Hi, I need to remove the user from the audience qualification, if he/she performed any specific action after seeing the target experience/content(for eg: we show the pop up via Target to the user and there is an option to click on "Not interested" and if anyone clicked then need to remove/exclude th...
We run adobe target server side tests on our site which also uses the onetrust consent management platform.Once a user has accepted performance and metrics cookies what is the best way for that user to be opted-in to adobe target server side? Currently we just check that they accepted the cookie bef...
Hello everyone, We're using Target 2.x in a website that is built as a SPA. Because the activity QA is based on the URL, we're not sure how to do a proper QA of the activities. Any suggestions or documentation?Thanks!
We are trying to create some test profiles in our environment, and we are executing the following command for calling the Batch Update profile API v2 'http://OUR_CLIENT_ID.tt.omtrdc.net/m2/OUR_CLIENT_ID/v2/profile/batchUpdate' The contents of the BATCH.txt file are like this: batch=thirdPartyI...
Are there any official docs on best practices in integrating the Adobe Target api's (https://developers.adobetarget.com/api/legacy-api/index.html) or (https://developers.adobetarget.com/api/) into a .NET MVC project?For example is there a .net sdk for integrating with the API or any guidelines on ha...
Hi Team, We are using profile APIs to update Profiles in Target. As part of that,we are having doubt that Profile API authentication life is getting from profile lifetime. Is there any connection between profile lifetime and profile API authentication time? How to update Profile API authentication t...
Our technology team is uncomfortable with letting things "live" in Target perpetually, even though that is the best way to let the models run in the background and continually learn and provide value. What have other companies done? Is anyone else uncomfortable with letting Target drive what shows...