Hi everyone, I have created an audience on Google Analytics. Please let me know if & how I can pass the audience from GA to Adobe Target. Thanks & Regards,Abhishek Kukreja
hi target experts, We are new to Adobe Target and trying to check if the below use-case is possible with Adobe Target. Users gets into the landing page, Default banner will be shown.Then user navigated to Product Description page and clicked on color variants of the products and exits website.Next t...
Hello community,We have implemented Adobe Target to our iOS application and run A/B test.Communication with Target server is started just after the second launch of the app. I need to launch the app, kill it and launch again. Where I can set up something to resolve this issue?
Hi all, I'm inspired by the use case mentioned that "Products with incomplete metadata fields (missing thumbnail, price, or other important metadata)."(source from https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/recommendations/entities/exclusions.html?lang=en). It's a good idea to manage feed ...
I want to build an activity wherein if the user do not click on the default CTA for 60 days he will be shown different CTA on LP. Note that for the initial 60 days he will be shown the default CTA on the LP. Please let me know how to setup an activity and audience for the same. Thankyou,A.K.
Hi Team, While loading the Target VEC experiences with Web SDK - we are noticing that in a specific experience, one of the action is not rendering onto the page, whereas all other actions are rendering fine. Also, this is rendering fine in edit mode but not working on live or preview mode. The chang...
Hi!I am very new to Adobe Target and I'm about to launch some display advertising for a brand new landing page BUT the landing page is not published within AEM yet. Is it possible to set up Adobe Target - multivariate testing without that published URL?Thank you!
Is it an acceptable pattern to use the mbox cookie session value as sessionID parameter for the Target REST API calls? https://developers.adobetarget.com/api/delivery-api/