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at.js inside javascript minified - script license


Community Advisor

Hello, I want to put the code of the at.js in a wrapper. There is custom js like an if query for a consent. Nothing is changed inside the at.js code - only around the outside. Can I minify all this and write the with licenses over it?



 * @License
 * .. custom code ..
 * @License
 * at.js 2.6.1 | (c) Adobe Systems Incorporated | All rights reserved
 * zepto.js | (c) 2010-2016 Thomas Fuchs | zeptojs.com/license
 * object-assign
 * (c) Sindre Sorhus
 *  @License MIT
... custom code ...
at.js 2.6.1 code
... custom code ...


1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Any particular reason doing that? if you download at.js version that already been minify. 


May be you need to try this 


 * @License
 * @License
 * at.js 2.6.1 | (c) Adobe Systems Incorporated | All rights reserved
// Wrapper function which executed on library loaded event
(function() {
    at.js minify version script


View solution in original post

3 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @Perrin_Ennen 

From above what I understood is, you need to minify at.js script and then once it's minify you need to add in JavaScript function wrapper along with custom license information in comment. 


Is this understanding correct? 


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Any particular reason doing that? if you download at.js version that already been minify. 


May be you need to try this 


 * @License
 * @License
 * at.js 2.6.1 | (c) Adobe Systems Incorporated | All rights reserved
// Wrapper function which executed on library loaded event
(function() {
    at.js minify version script