New launch for Target Standard. Have all debugging tools and have included output in attachments. Parameters for orderId, orderTotal and productPurchsedId appearing in the DTM generated MBox=orderConfirmPage.
A/B Summary: Swapped images on my homepage; determine if lift in revenue via clicks on experience and subsequent revenue generated when in path to purchase. I can see the hit count increase for the visitor and the success metrics, but no order revenue.
My activity goal page set up:
When I remove the goal metric for the click and use only the orderConfirmPage as my goal, I have revenue flowing as expected. This however is not a valid test, since we only want to count revenue associated with a path to purchase that includes the relevant click in the experience.
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Hi David ,
Since you want to determine lift in revenue via clicks on experience and subsequent revenue generated when in path to purchase. I assume that you have created Additional Metric - Revenue as dependent success metrics i.e. incrementing Additional Metric - Revenue only if a visitor reaches the Goal Metric first. Can you please verify by going to Advanced settings of Additional Metric :Revenue that "Goal Metric" i.e. Primary Goal is selected as a Dependent success metric
Geenrally, Dependent success metrics will not convert in the following cases:
In case , you are good witth all the above mentioned , Please share yuor target account login details in a private message so that we can debug the issue at our end.
Thanks & Regards
Parit Mittal
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Hi David ,
Since you want to determine lift in revenue via clicks on experience and subsequent revenue generated when in path to purchase. I assume that you have created Additional Metric - Revenue as dependent success metrics i.e. incrementing Additional Metric - Revenue only if a visitor reaches the Goal Metric first. Can you please verify by going to Advanced settings of Additional Metric :Revenue that "Goal Metric" i.e. Primary Goal is selected as a Dependent success metric
Geenrally, Dependent success metrics will not convert in the following cases:
In case , you are good witth all the above mentioned , Please share yuor target account login details in a private message so that we can debug the issue at our end.
Thanks & Regards
Parit Mittal
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Success! I have set up my additional metrics data as per your instructions, see attached, and after a bit of latency the parameters passed in via my mbox=orderConfirmPage are appearing.
I thought that this dependent goal firing had to be something everybody has in place for experiences, etc... Thanks for the assist... I missed this step in the documentation/manual.
Will Standard version support Category Affinity in my audience set up; I understand product recommendations are only available in Premium. Is there examples on how to properly build a visitors category affinity. See attachment as my first attempt.
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