I'm getting started with Category Affinity using Launch, and I think I've got it set up correctly based on the documentation I've found.
However, I'm not finding a way to validate that categories are being captured properly, view what my visitor ID category affinity is, etc.
I've looked at the Target and Network tabs of the Adobe Experience Cloud debugger, as well as the Console and Network tabs of my browser DevTools, but I'm not finding any way to get visibility into what's being tracked.
Please note: I'm not a web developer so the direction of "You can use user.categoryAffinities[] in a profile script to return an array of the affinities that a visitor has populated." found here isn't something that I know what to do with. I'm not trying to get this displayed on a page; I'm trying to make sure these values are being tracked as expected.
Thanks much!
Hey Matt,
To make sure that values get tracked (captured on the page), you just need to debug the Target mbox call. You may want to use Adobe debugger or browser developer tools (network tab). Just check that the parameter categoryId is set with the right value(s).
The rest is the backend algorithm that sets weights to each value as per the documentation you mentioned.
Thank you for the response.
I've been looking through the Adobe Debugger and haven't seen anything related to Category Affinity being captured there.
On second pass, now I'm seeing where I should be looking in my Browser Network tab. I was originally looking at /b/ss/, which I see now is just for Analytics debugging. Now that I'm looking at /m2/, I'm seeing Target information but, as above, no logging of Category Affinity being captured.
I suspect this is a misconfiguration on my part. If you are able to assist with troubleshooting my configuration, that would be very much appreciated. Below is an outline of what I have put together in Launch.
Any ideas on what might be going wrong here?
I have taken a look at the page. If I was able to parse the library correctly, the problem is in the rules configuration.
You have two rules:
What you need to do is to move the "AT add params" action from "All Pages - Top of Page" to "All Pages" and put it in between "AT load library" and "AT fire mbox".
BTW, to avoid experience flickering effect, you may want to run all AT actions on the event "Library loaded". If this event is set for the rule "All Page - Top of Page", then I would recommend to move everything in this rule as follows:
Let me know if this resolves the issue?
That makes sense; I made the requested change & implemented the updated rule on Production.
However, currently the results are the same. I'll send you another page of our site as a test for comparison.