
☕[AT Community Q&A Coffee Break] 11/10/21: Cristinel "Muti" Anastasoaie, Product Manager for Adobe Target☕



Join us for the next monthly Adobe Target Community Q&A Coffee Break

taking place Wednesday, November 10th, 2021 @ 8am PT

Be sure to MARK YOUR CALENDARS with a link to this thread

We'll be joined by Cristinel "Muti" Anastasoaie aka @cristinel, Product Manager for Adobe Target, who will be signed in here to the Adobe Target Community to chat directly with you on this thread about your Adobe Target questions pertaining to his areas of expertise:

  • Adobe Target User Interface
  • Adobe Target Integrations
  • Enterprise permissions and workspaces



  • Must be signed in to the Community during the 1-hour period 
  • Must post a Question about Adobe Target
  • THAT'S IT!  *(think of this as the Adobe Target Community equivalent of an AMA, (“Ask Me Anything”), and bring your best speed-typing game) 


  • Click the blue “Reply” button at the bottom right corner of this post
  • Begin your Question with @cristinel
  • When exchanging messages with Cristinel about your specific question, be sure to use the editor’s "QUOTE" button, which will indicate which post you're replying to, and will help contain your conversation with Cristinel

**For those who have joined an Adobe Target Community Q&A Coffee Break before: please note that we are no longer using formal registration pages for these events - just be sure to Mark Your Calendars to sign in here to the Community on 11/10/21 @ 8am PT, and hop onto this thread for direct answers from Cristinel 






Cristinel is a Senior Product Manager for Adobe Target, focused on re-imagining user experience across the product. Before his current Adobe role, Cristinel held product management positions on various content management and digital marketing products focused on consumers.


Curious about what an Adobe Target Community Q&A Coffee Break looks like? Be sure to check out our past 2020 Adobe Target Coffee Breaks, covering a WIDE variety of Adobe Target topics, and our latest thread from our 9/8/21 Adobe Target Coffee Break with @vishalchordia  




13 返信


Level 2

Hi @cristinel,  hope everything going well. We are facing an issue with a common scenario (hopefully) on Adobe Target recommendations. As a retail business some products can be publish and unpublish the same day (or a couple of hours). How can we solve catalog syncronization to avoid the recommendation for unpublished products? and how much time does it take to Target unpublished a product (once synced with the catalog) for an online recommendation activity? We have an issue with an unpublished product on the catalog but deployed on the live onsite recommendation activity...



Hello @philipeCastillo 


Thanks for the question! Assisting @cristinel with this, I can say that recommendations feeds are synced every 24 hours or so and products should be removed from the catalogs around that time. I'd recommend utilizing exclusion rules. You may need to manually add unpublished entities to that list, but once added, they should be removed from your live recommendations. 


Further documentation can be found here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/recommendations/entities/exclusions.html?lang=e...


Additionally, if this does not resolve your issue I would recommend opening a support ticket with Adobe Target Customer Care. 


Adobe Champion


We are currently using Target across multiple sites on multiple different CMS's.  We are considering Adobe AEM as a possible CMS solution.  Can you help me understand the difference in how we are currently using Target on a site that is not Adobe AEM vs using and AEM site?  


Is there a difference in performance and UI?  or is using Target on AEM pretty much identical to using it on a site that uses another CMS?  



@Damon_Hall - while not exactly my field of expertise, aside from potentially implementation differences there is not much of a difference between using Target with a regular site or on an AEM site. Here are some useful links on this regard:

Having AEM will now allow you to create and manage content on AEM and use Experience Fragments into Target activities.

Hope this helps,



Level 1

Hi @cristinel 
we are starting the Rollout of Adobe target at the moment. 
We are wondering if there is a possibilitiy to restrict custom code changes in Adobe Target. 
Would also be eager to hear best practices about the Rollout. 



Hello @andreaGM1991 ,

Thank you for your questions.

Would love to hear more on the kind of restrictions you are looking for. The custom code option available in VEC cannot be disabled for users that have appropriate permissions to create and edit activities. However, you can implement a more granular review workflow, where only specific users can push activities live, after reviewing the proposed experiment or personalization activity.

You can find out more useful information on Target best practices over the experience league tutorials section: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target-learn/tutorials/administration/1.1-implementation-str...




Good morning everyone. Looking forward to chatting with you this morning!



Level 2

Hello @cristinel,


1st question - Can the target solution be used in recommendations for a visual & suggested internal search? Is this a best practice?


Example Site:




2nd question - Target Integrations - Recommendation feed - We have started to use recommended for you out of the box and that is easy for our feed, but for top sellers we obviously need to integrate purchase data into recommendations. We are looking for adobe best practice how to integrate this. Do you have advice on how to integrate this? Is this normally from an ftp, database,  or manually put in. 






Hi @timf43492464 


Thanks for your questions.


Question 1: You can use Adobe Target recommendations for the results of a Visual and suggested search, but not an active search (where the user hasn't hit enter to confirm the search)


Question 2: This depends on where your purchase data is coming from. Analytics or mboxes can be used as a data source for purchase data. That all comes down to your specific implementation. 


More information on this can be found here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/recommendations/plan-implement.html?lang=en#car... and here https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/recommendations/criteria/use-adobe-analytics-wi...


Level 2

Hi @cristinel , We are trying to implement Recommended For you on our site for which we have created a design template. In the design template as we have dynamic values we are trying to iterate the entities using velocity templating as mentioned in adobe documentation. But the $entities is coming empty every time. If we use individual hard coded $entity1 then it works. Could you please let me know if we are doing anything wrong.



Hi @tkantk 


Thanks for your question. 


It would help to see your setup in order to determine why these entity values are not populating. I would recommend opening a support ticket with Adobe Target Customer Care for troubleshooting. 


Level 2

Hi @cristinel , We are building our collection on target by sending realtime data whenever a user visits our product pages. So this collection works for all the recommendation where we need user visits and interests. Now we want to have purchase data and cart data into target so that we can show recommendation depending on those.

So how should we plan the data update into target for the purchase data.



Hi @tkantk 


Thanks for your question. You can use different sources of purchase data in Adobe Target. We commonly see customers use Analytics and mbox data.


More information on this can be found here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/recommendations/plan-implement.html?lang=en#car... and here https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/recommendations/criteria/use-adobe-analytics-wi...