Hi to all,
I have a pretty nasty problem and I cannot find help anywhere.
I need to load a WSDL as Data Connection into my Livecycle Designer but I cannot seem to find the Authentication popup that all the guides/step by step tutorials seem to take for granted.
I'll write here my steps and I'll attach some screenshots just that you can understand better.
- I click right my Data View tab and select New Data Connection:

2. I select WSDL File from the list of possible connections:

3. I select my WSDL file:
4. I select the operation that needs to be called from the WSDL

5. I select the authentication method I need to use:

6. I click Finish and instead of the popup with the credential request, I get the Data Connection created:

Obviously the service doesn't work, doesn't do anything when being invoked.
When I try using an open WSDL with no credential needed though, everything works fine and the service does what it's supposed to.
Can you please help me find what I'm doing wrong? Are there some steps that I'm missing? Do I need to do anything else?
Thanks in advance and regards,