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Why can't I view my 2nd page when I save the PDF?


Level 2


I'm new to LiveCycle. Why can't I see the 2nd page when I save my PDF (I also can't see 2nd page when I preview the PDF). I'm attaching a screenshot.

Thank youClipboard01.jpg

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 10


You have all your objects on Master Pages. These are only intended for objects that repeat on each page of the form. For example headers and footers.

Think of it this way. You form currently renders with a blank page with the Page1 Master Page as a background. All forms have to have at least one page. The form doesn't need to render the second Master Page as there are no Design pages n the form.

Right-click on the root node and select "Insert new page". Name this "page1". Repeat this for a second Design page and name it "page2". See how I tend to name Master Pages with capital P, but Design pages with a lowercase.

Then copy all of the objects from Master Page Page1 to Design page page1. Do the same for the objects on Master Page Page2, onto page2. Then delete Master Page Page2, as you don't need this.

Hope that helps,


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3 Replies


Correct answer by
Level 10


You have all your objects on Master Pages. These are only intended for objects that repeat on each page of the form. For example headers and footers.

Think of it this way. You form currently renders with a blank page with the Page1 Master Page as a background. All forms have to have at least one page. The form doesn't need to render the second Master Page as there are no Design pages n the form.

Right-click on the root node and select "Insert new page". Name this "page1". Repeat this for a second Design page and name it "page2". See how I tend to name Master Pages with capital P, but Design pages with a lowercase.

Then copy all of the objects from Master Page Page1 to Design page page1. Do the same for the objects on Master Page Page2, onto page2. Then delete Master Page Page2, as you don't need this.

Hope that helps,



Level 2

That worked. Thank you very much!


Level 2


I am frequently grateful for your information and guidance as I am awash in my ignorance as I try to have my forms 'do' what I imagine their doing.

In your help for Tomchook, I feel dangerously close in grasping this ... but I don't because I don't understand why things aren't working out. First, I wasn't sure what, of the hierarchy, is the root node that I should right click. I made an assumption that it was the (Master Pages) since that let me insert a new page rather than insert a new master page.

However, copying over the objects onto the 2 new design pages didn't help me out, so I am more than sure that in my lack of understanding I have done a lot of things wrong with this. It is not helped by the fact that my 2 'pages' have different orientations/ margins (one landscape, one portrait). And I still am not seeing the content for the "2nd page" in Design View or Preview PDF.

Before I go too far down the road of this attempt as a possible tangent, I would really appreciate some advice as to whether or not I'm spinning my wheels on what I'm trying to do with my forms.

I am working with 3 forms that I recently wrestled to "perfection", 2 of them fairly snarly Bears, which is why I wanted to create them one at a time and focus on the requirements of each. Stupidly I thought once I did that, I would be able to create a couple of additional forms that combined 2 and then all 3 of these forms depending on the requirements of each transaction for which the process is used

---(there's a required transaction analysis form, then - if there's a construction cost for the deal, there's a construction budget form, AND/OR if the value of the transaction is higher than a threshhold amount, there's an approval form that has to go up our hierarchy to be blessed.)

So I would always have the analysis form, if there's construction I'd have the construction budget form-- with numbers from that form feeding into the analysis form, and if the cost is over $500k, I'd need to have the approval form with info feeding into that from the analysis form and, if applicable, the construction budget form.

I can't tell you how poleaxed I felt when I finished up the last of the individual forms, after struggling with the for MONTHS, and thought I would then have a simple step to create the combo-versions of the relating forms, only to find that there is no apparent way for me to create these. There's no cut and paste, no binding together -- I can't begin to tell you all the things I've googled and searched for in trying to figure out what to do short of starting over and creating all over again. Ooof.

Where I am at the moment was trying the BRILLIANT (not) idea of turning my construction budget form into a fragment and then inserting that at the end of the analysis form, figuring I'd have a radio button that would turn on/off its visibility depending on circumstance; it seemed like a possiblity, and then feeding a couple of the bottom lines of calculations from the budget form into the analysis, etc.

And, I can't get to it, can't see it unless it's on a master page (created to reflect the change in page orientation/ marges), but then I have an extra 'page' between the "forms" -- and I can't see the budget one at all. I don't know if this is telling me my great idea Won't Work, or if it's just telling me that I don't know how to make it work. Either way, I'm not progressing.

I am using LiveCycle Designer ES3, standalone - no workbench or assembler services (I got excited when I saw something about that, then realized 'not me') - Version Cipher: 128-bit. The HELP for this is not written for non-technical dreamers like me.

Do you have any suggestions for my finding my way through my challenge? People are loving the forms I've created so far, so the appetite for them is increasing and I am in over my head but wanting to learn how to swim.

Too many words! I'm sorry. Please guide or point me to a good path.

Thank you,
