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Want to have image of signature appear when password is entered.


Former Community Member

Hello all -

I don't know if this is possible or not. I am reading everything I can get my eyes on but not finding what I would like.


Request form is created in LCD 8.2 ES. The purpose is to track time extensions requested for documents that have gone past their 'due dates.'

As it works right now:

1) Requester fills out form using Adobe Reader and prints it out, gets it to the first department head (A).

2) Department Head A must print his/her name, then sign and date the form.

  • Form gets to Department Head B (don't know how, maybe inter-office mail)

3) Department Head B must print her/his name, then sign and date the form.

  • Form makes its way back to me - I process the information.


Obviously this is not the intent of a pdf form.

What I have been tasked to do is find out the following:

  1. If we have an image of a department head's signature, can we somehow 'store' it within the LCD document so that with the right 'click' or something, the signature appears - removing the need to print out the form and pass it around.
  2. Could this work by using a password rather than a regular click or other event - to prevent just anyone from 'signing' the dept head's name.

IF we can use a password to make this happen, where do I look to find the information. I am willing to search and learn but haven't found it so far. We realize that the fewer dept. heads' signatures needed, the better for us for purposes of gathering and storing them. And I don't know how or where we would store them.

I have to say that the reason we're looking to do it this way is because we do NOT want to use third-party e-sign certification.

Interesting dilemma, no?

Any ideas?

Thank you! - go raibh mat agat!


3 Replies


Level 10

Dia duit Maria,

Yes, it is possible, provided you are aware that it is not a secure solution.

I can't do up a sample, but there are a couple of things I would point to:

  1. You could have all of the signature images in the from inside image objects. These would be hidden and have different names. You would position an imageField object where you want the signature to appear. You will need script in the docReady event to set is to read only (this.access = readOnly;). When the form is bring signed, your script would set the value of the imageField object to match the appropriate image object. There is an image example here: http://assure.ly/gv7Gyk.
  2. This example is a bit obscure to your requirement, but it does show the "response" method. You could call this from the exit event of the department head name field. It would prompt the head to input their password. If it matched then the script could change the value : http://assure.ly/fdwtIv.

Something like this in the exit event of the name field:

var vQuestion = this.rawValue + ", please input your password.";

var vPassword = xha.host.response(vQuestion, "Top Security");

if (this.rawValue == "Niall" && vPassword == "niall's secret password")


     signImage.rawValue = niallSignature.value.image.value;


else if (this.rawValue == "Sean" && vPassword == "sean's secret password")


     signImage.rawValue = seanSignature.value.image.value;






This is typed in, so may not work straight off and you would need to reference your objects.

As I say this is not a secure solution. There is a way of using HASH keys to encrypt the passwords. I have an example, but see does this work first.

Hope you can piece this together.




Former Community Member

Beannachtaí na Cásca Niall!!

I will be trying out your suggestions straight away! If this works, and if adding the hash marks gives security, I will be so excited!!

Will let you know how it goes!

Tráthnóna maith agat!



Level 10

Agus tú féin!

I have uploaded an example that using hashes to secure the passwords: http://assure.ly/ge8Ra9

Hope that helps.

