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DuplicateServiceException, unable to deploy


Level 3


All of sudden today I started to get the duplicate sevice exception error when I try to deploy the application.  I already tried removing the app from LC, reboot the machine and then import the application back and deploy, but I still get the same error.  The app deploys fine on another LC server.  Please help, thank you.

2011-04-01 19:57:41,792 ERROR [com.adobe.idp.dsc.registry.service.impl.ServiceRegistryImpl] ServiceRegistryImpl:createConfiguration(APTG_Contract_Management/Processes/DbUtils/getPdf, 1.0):DSCException(Service: APTG_Contract_Management/Processes/DbUtils/getPdf already exists)

ALC-DSC-015-000: com.adobe.idp.dsc.registry.service.DuplicateServiceException: Service: APTG_Contract_Management/Processes/DbUtils/getPdf already exists

2011-04-01 19:57:41,803 ERROR [com.adobe.idp.applicationmanager.application.tlo.impl.OrchestrationTLOHandler] create:Registry exception in orchestration handler Service: APTG_Contract_Management/Processes/DbUtils/getPdf already exists

2011-04-01 19:57:41,819 ERROR [com.adobe.idp.applicationmanager.application.impl.ApplicationRegistryImpl] ApplicationServiceStoreImpl:create:POFException:Internal error.

2011-04-01 19:57:41,852 ERROR [com.adobe.idp.applicationmanager.service.ApplicationManagerService] ApplicationManagerService:importApplication():DSCException:Internal error.



3 Replies


Level 3

Actually, I figured out a workaround, I created a new version of the app by incrementing the minor version and it now deploys fine.


Level 2

I've the same issue. But i cannot modify the version, as the same LCA is being promoted to different environment, It works fine on all lower environment. From the adobe help document, i found this error code is thrown when the LCA have no endpoints. But how do i add a endpoint, when the LCA is not active?


Employee Advisor

Looks like the LCA entries in database are in corrupted/inconsistent state. Please contact Enterprise Support team to get that cleaned manually.

