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user creation and assigning user to existing group


Level 2

Hi all,

I have tried hands on creating user using .net but one thing which is not done is - assigning existing group(s) to the user.


anyone please help me.

thanks in advance

4 Replies


Former Community Member

Hi Quioske,

You add an existing user to an existing group by the following API,

directoryManager.addPrincipalToLocalGroup(String principalOid, String localGroupOid)

You assing an existing role to an existing user(s) by the following API,

authorizatonManager.assignRole(String roleId, String[] principalOids)


Level 2

Hi ,

thanks for the reply

Can you please forward me any example using dotnet, I am executing the code from a remote computer which doesn't have live cycle.

Live cycle is on server.

How to get group oid and useroid

If I have a group like "gemini", how can I search gemini and assign it to a user

please forward me the code for the remote execution using dotnet , appreciate if you could forward me with comments

Thanks for the reply in advance


Level 2

is there anyone who can reply for the query