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Updating multiple fields into one hidden field


Level 2

I have a form that I am going to be writing the data to a sql database.  My form has 16 fields.  One field will go to one column and the remaining 15 fields I want to submit as a single string to another column.  I know that I am going need to write an update code but not sure how to do this.  I know that the update script will need to be in the first line of my submit button.  Does any one have a example of how to do this?

23 Replies


Former Community Member

If you want to concatenate multiple text fields into a single text field, you can attach the following JavaScript to the submit button. The field delimiter may or may not be required for your solution. I would recommend validating each text field or parsing the concatenated value ('hiddenField' in this case) to remove any whitespace characters that could potentially irritate the SQL driver or table.

form1.page1.subform1.hiddenField.rawValue = form1.page1.subform1.f1.rawValue + " "
    + form1.page1.subform1.f2.rawValue + " "

    + form1.page1.subform1.f3.rawValue + " "

    + form1.page1.subform1.f15.rawValue;


Level 2

Ok. I have added the script below and its not doing anything. When I'm in

Acrobat and do a Ctrl+J it is telling me that the Submit button does not

have any properties. Here is what I have done to this point.

1. I have 3 text fields. I left them at the default name for now

(TextField1, TextField2, etc.)

2. I have added another text field but left it at visible just to make sure

that it is working properly. I have changed the name of that field to


3. I have added a submit button. I added a click event to the submit

button and enter the script that you provided.

What am I missing?




Former Community Member

If you added script to the submit button then it is no longer a submit button. Just put a regular button on the form and put the script on the click of the regular button, then see if the AllFields gets populated. Then we can worry about the submit.



Level 2

The fields are still not getting populated and I'm still getting that same

error message. I have added a "Button" and in the click event gave the

script that was provided.


Level 2

Just want to make sure that you got it.




Former Community Member

Just sent the fixed version back to you.



Level 2

Now that I have the information going to one field, How do I eliminate the "Null" fields from showing up?  I'm sure its by validation of some sort but I'm not sure how to do that.  I only want to see the fields that have information is them.




Former Community Member

Something I have done in the past is iterate over a subform, find all objects of type 'field', check whether they are null, and assigned a new value. This is example inititates the processing on a button click. I suspect you could add it to doc:Ready, also.

// form1.subform1.Button1::click - (JavaScript, client)

var oNodes = subform1.nodes;
for (var i=0; i < oNodes.length; i++) {
    if (oNodes.item(i).className == "field") {
        if (oNodes.item(i).rawValue == null) {
            oNodes.item(i).rawValue = "not null";

The tricky part is, 'What do you put in the field?'. If you put "" I believe you will get a whitespace character. If you are submitting the form to a backend service, that service may not appreciate a whitespace character.



Level 2

I plan on submitting it to a sql database. Here is the reason that I don't

want the Nulls. I have subform1 with to radio buttons. I have the buttons

set so only one can be selected (within the subform) at a time. I want to

be able to tell by looking at a sql query which one was checked.



Former Community Member

Are the radio buttons defined in an exclusion group? If they are, each radio button is defined with a unique value. It would be easier to resolve if you could post the form or a subset of the form.


Level 2

My plan is to take every field on this form and submit it to one column in sql.  In order to do this I have created an "AllFields" field on the form for everything to update to.  I will eventually hide the "AllFields" field.



Level 4

Make a break after:

form1.page1.AllFields.rawValue = form1.page1.TextField2.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.TextField3.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.TextField4.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.TextField6.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.TextField7.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.TextField8.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.TextField9.rawValue + " ";

if (form1.page1.Subform1.RadioButtonList.Voluntary.rawValue != null) {form1.page1.AllFields.rawValue= form1.page1.AllFields.rawValue+ form1.page1.Subform1.RadioButtonList.Voluntary.rawValue + " ";}

if (form1.page1.Subform1.RadioButtonList.Involuntary.rawValue != null) {form1.page1.AllFields.rawValue= form1.page1.AllFields.rawValue+ form1.page1.Subform1.RadioButtonList.Involuntary.rawValue + " ";}

form1.page1.AllFields.rawValue = form1.page1.AllFields.rawValue + form1.page1.CheckBox1.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.CheckBox2.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.CheckBox3.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.CheckBox4.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.CheckBox5.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.CheckBox6.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.CheckBox7.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.CheckBox8.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.CheckBox9.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.CheckBox10.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.CheckBox11.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.CheckBox12.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.CheckBox13.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.CheckBox14.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.CheckBox15.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.CheckBox16.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.CheckBox17.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.CheckBox18.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.CheckBox19.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.CheckBox20.rawValue + " " + form1.page1.CheckBox21.rawValue + " ";

Should catch the one zero of the button. Though not the other ones.

Btw. you could use Date and Timefields... but then you most likly would have to either rename the fields or change this script slighly.

You could do similar things to the checkboxes as you did to the radiobuttons... so you see at first glance, what checkbox was checked instead of seeing a "0" and "1" string.

Probably this is easier for you since you made it and I don't completly know what you want to do with it... the outgiven string would confuse me...


Level 10

For what is is worth...

I would change the default bindings for each of the checkboxes (from 1 and 0) to reflect their caption. For example for the Network checkbox I would set it to:

This will sort the null entries and mean that the contents of the field make sense.

Could you not bind each field to a database instead? Not my area, so I will drop out gracefully now!



Level 2

I could bind each field to the database but I need the info in one column.

The only way I could make sense of it is to update everything to a hidden

field and bind the hidden field to the database. What my hope is that once

the info is successfully in the database we can use a Helpdesk program and

see the Form information in the Description of the problem.



Level 2

I have made several changes most of them suggested by others...I still can not get the data to submit.  I keep getting the same error.  I have other forms being submitted to my database.  Does anyone see anything that I am over looking?
