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Unable to use component in workbench


Former Community Member


I developed a sample component with a single service and 2 operations mapped to 2 methods of implementation class.

Also  i tried using composite editors in component.xml and also used property-editor tags.

Component gets installed properly and start properly.

Even when i try to put operations on process map, both operations comes, but as soon as i click on process properties it gets hanged, nothing happens it shows Input and Ouput sections are loading but nothing happens....

My component.xml file looks like as:-

<component xmlns="http://adobe.com/idp/dsc/component/document">


    <version>${project.version}</version>    <!--Pick up version from project pom.xml-->

    <!--<load-class>com.tcs.impl.CustomerServiceImpl</load-class> -->





    <!--<class-path></class-path> Include external jar if you've dependencies-->







        <data-type java-class="com.tcs.model.Customer" id="com.tcs.model.Customer" standard="true"/>

        <data-type java-class="com.tcs.model.GenderTypes" id="com.tcs.model.GenderTypes" standard="true"/>



        <composite-editor id="CustomerEditorType">



                <attribute name="firstName" title="First Name"/>

                <attribute name="lastName" title="Last Name"/>

                <attribute name="age" title="Age">

                    <property-editor editor-id="com.adobe.idp.dsc.propertyeditor.system.SpinnerPropertyEditorComponent"/>


                <attribute name="dob" title="Date of Birth">

                    <property-editor editor-id="com.adobe.idp.dsc.propertyeditor.system.CalendarPropertyEditorComponent"/>






        <service name="customer" title="Customer Service" orchestrateable="true">





                <specification spec-id="com.tcs.CustomerService"/>


            <hint>customer service custom component</hint>

            <auto-deploy category-id="Customer" service-id="customer" minor-version="0" major-version="1"/>

            <config-parameter name="sample" type="java.lang.String" title="Sample config param for customer">

                <hint>sample config param</hint>








                <operation anonymous-access="true" name="createCustomer" method="createCustomer">

                    <input-parameter name="customer" type="com.tcs.model.Customer" title="customer">

                        <property-editor editor-id="CustomerEditorType"/>



                    <input-parameter name="genderTypes" type="com.tcs.model.GenderTypes" title="gender">

                        <property-editor editor-id="com.adobe.idp.dsc.propertyeditor.system.Enum"/>



                    <output-parameter name="customerId" type="int"/>


                <operation anonymous-access="true" name="getCustomerName" method="getCustomerName">

                    <input-parameter name="customerId" type="int" title="customerId">



                    <output-parameter name="name" type="java.lang.String"/>






And contract of project is as

public interface CustomerService {

    public int createCustomer(Customer customer, GenderTypes genderTypes);

    public String getCustomerName(int customerId);


And model class is Customer with proper getters and setters for firstName,lastName,age,gender,dob

GenderTypes is a ENUM with Male, Female as values.

Please help me.



1 Reply


Level 10

I hope you have created a basic (simple) DSC component.

In the xml you have mentioned about two more class definitions "bootstrap-class" and "lifecycle-class".

have you created those classes?

If not, just remove those entries from the xml and deploy the component again. For a basic DSC you need not write any bootstrap/lifecycle implementations.

