First thing is that you have that script executing on the click your code will not execute until a user clicks on the field. I suggest you put it
on the calculate event. That way whenever one of the other values named in the formula changes t
hen it will recalc this field.
Second there was a script error in your formula....I modified it to look like this (it just seems more logical this way to me)
if (NumericField13.isNull || NumericField13.rawValue == 0){
NumericField28.rawValue = "0";
}else {
if(NumericField27.isNull || NumericField27.rawValue == 0){
NumericField28.rawValue = "0";
NumericField28.rawValue = NumericField13.rawValue / NumericField27.rawValue;
Third your NumericField27 shodul have a default value of 1 or you should do acheck of its value so that it does not have a possibility of getting a 0 or your division will fail.
Lastly, you shodul rename your fields to have more descriptive names insstead of generic names like numericField XX. Many people liek to know the type of field by the name so instead of NumericField27 how about SQFT_NumFld? With this technique I can tell immeadiately which field you are referring to (Square Footage) as well as its type (Numeric Field). Just my 2 cents worth!