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Tokens expire?


Level 1

Perhaps I'm missing something. I've created an app that gets authentication tokens on registration and saves them with the user for login at a later date. If I login imediately all is good. If I wait an hr or two the authentication fails. Is there an expiration date on tokens? Is there away to remove it?


2 Replies



If you are talking about external authentication tokens, they don't "expire" unless your room starts and terminates.

Are you sure you didn't access the room by mistake ?

Anyway, if you still have problems, send us some logs and we'll look into it.


Former Community Member

Hi there,

I'm guessing you've stored a token for a user in the DB, which means it's

more "permanent" than the room session. We only allow tokens to work for the

duration of a room session, which is defined as the time between the first

user entering a room to around 5 minutes after the last user leaves the


Essentially, the workflow that tends to happen is that a user wants to

enter a room, makes a request to you, you generate a new authToken, and the

client logs in. Tokens aren't especially storable.

hope that helps
