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Todo tab: Routes displayed when selecting the List View


Level 1


I have a question about the routes that appear on the workspace's  "To do" list view, and how to perform validations when they are  clicked.

I've created a process that starts with a form being created by a  user. Then, it's validated by a sequence of other users. Each one sees a  different set of routes. On one of the steps of the process, one of the  routes requires the user to input a text.

The condition is checked on the click  event of the AWS_SUBMIT button, where I've also put the text request. If the user is using the  card view on the "To do" tab and clicks on the item, the form opens and,  when the user submits it, all works as expected. However, if he has the  list view and clicks once on the item, the route names appear on the  bottom right of the workspace, and he's able to select them. As the form  hasn't been opened, there's no control on the selected route, and the  user is never asked to input the text. On the next step of the process,  which depends on this text, the process gets stalled.

Is it possible to hide these routes on the workspace, disable the  list view, or stop the submit if it hasn't been started without opening  the form? I know you can customize the workspace, would this allow me  to remove the route buttons?

The version we are using is LiveCycle ES

Thank you

4 Replies


Level 3

I am not sure about LiveCycle ES, but this can be easily handled in LiveCycle ES2.



Level 10

In the "Form Data Mappings" section, click the "Form must be saved" checkbox.

This will force the user to open the form before submit.



Level 1

Checking the help for the "Form data mappings" section, I've found the setting client_routes_formViewOnly in the global configuration (it can be updated using the export/import global settings on Home -> Services -> LiveCycle Workspace ES -> Global Administration) that hides the routes too, though it's applied to all workspaces. We've finally decided to set it as a global setting.

Thanks for you help, the post has directed us to the solution.


Level 4

Is there any way to hide the submit button(green check mark) that appears on the task card when a user saves a form in their draft folder.

Users are bypassing the form validation by submitting a form this way.  For instance, a user will fill out the form with values that do not pass validation.  They will save the form in their drafts folder.  The user will then close the form and navigate to their draft folder.  Without opening the form again, they will click the green check box submit button and a form with invalid data will be submitted to the process.

This is LC