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Level 2


I am having trouble with my subforms, for some reason the first page doesnt shift onto the second page and then i cant get the seconf page content to shift? Any help?

Also is there a way of hiding a text field and if a check box is selected then it shifts the content down to make room for the box?

Many Thanks

3 Replies


Level 7

1. Did you allow page breaks within the subform that is expanding into page 2?

2. What do you mean? You can add this to the change event of your checkbox to make the textfield invisible:

     if (this.rawValue == 1) tfExample.presence = "invisible";

     else tfExample.presence = "visible";


Level 2

Yes i got the page breaks selected but just cant seem to do it today (been doing these forms for the last three years and sometimes i just cant figure it out)

as for the visability, i have done an action so that it appears when a text box is selected but i wanted to know if you could place a field over it and if its selected that field moves down and the box is its its place.



Level 7

What is causing the subform to expand into the next page? That might be causing the problem if it isn't set to break.

You could set the item to hidden, then visible if checked. If the document is flowed, then you would get what you're looking for (I think). If you need a lot of control over where it goes in the form, you could create a second field that just lays over the one you would hide. Set the two fields to the same name and enable global binding. Make one invisible, and swap the two fields' visibility based on the checkmark.