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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Subforms and height


Level 2

Hello Designers,

I created a dynamice table (+ or - the rows) as part of a subform1 (which is a part of a "subformpage 2"). Subformpage 1 and Subformpage 2 are part of Form1.

The Masterpage has a Page with a defined PaperType DIN A4. with Header and Footer.

Is it possible to limit the height of subform1, as I would like to restrict the printed available area of the dynamic table on the DINA4 page and/or to avoid that the user can add rows in i.e. the area where the footer etc. is placed?

I see in the object subform (content is flow - top to bottem) with "height": greyed out....

7 Replies


Level 7

Even thought the table is dynamic you can still control how many rows maximum the user can have.  If I understand you correctly, all you should need to do is set the maximum number of rows to make sure it fits within area you have available for printing.  So if your row height is .3" and you have 1.5" available for printing, you can only have a maximum of 4 rows (assuming a header height which is also .3"). Make sense?


Level 2

"repeat subform for each data item" is greyed out. I cannot set the max for rows as is possible in the example below and in contrast my object for table 1.

The difference is My Object Table is not being a "subform" and how to change my object Table 1 to a subform, instead of being a part of a subform.

If I use again for Table 1 to "Wrap in a subform" or "wrap in a subformset" it didnot change the situation...maxfor me.gifMaxrows.gif


Level 7

The table itself will not have any options to repeat. This makes sense, since you wouldn't want to add the entire table each time, you only want to add another row. If you click on one of the rows in your hierarchy, you'll see the options you're looking for.



Level 2

YES, that makes sense, I should adress in the rows, not the table itself.  Therefor also "the Height in a Subform" doesnot make sense?   


Level 7

Well, you'll still have a subform on the page no matter what; you mentioned earlier you had limited space for printing, is the table the only object on the page or do you have other items there as well? It sounded like you still need the table to expand only so far so I thought you might have other fields in their own subform? Without seeing the form I'm just taking my best guess.


Level 2

yes, I have other fields positioned on the DIN A4 page before the table and it should not write on the footer (fields defined in the Masterpage)at the bottem of the page. Actually it works, but I am not sure if I used "subform" correctly as intended. I can sent the form to your mail adress.    


Level 7

As long as the form is performing the way you want it to, there's no need. I'm just happy it's working for you.