I had a general question... For some reason I have a lot of users who are still on dial-up. What can I do to compenstate for this... The service is great on high speed connections. However there is s a serious break-down when it comes to dial -up type speeds... what would you recommend in terms of settings for camera and audio pods/publishers...
Thank you,
Dominic Williams
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Dial up eh? That sounds like fun So even with a 56K V.92 modem your
users will only have a max theoretical upstream bandwidth of 33.6Kbits/s.
Thats without adding in any overhead and without knowing what the loss is
from your customers computer through some old copper lines all the way to
the modem bank.
Anyway I think I'd try setting my webPub.fps really low, like 5 fps and
setting webPub.camera.setQuality(insert your lowBW number here, 0). Then
I'd set my audioPub.microphoneManager.encodeQuality to a 2 or a 3 (thats
7.75k and 9.80k respectively).
We dynamically downgrade our connection, but you may want to just have a
setting for your modem users since they'll always be at low bandwidth.
Here's an article about what we do, which may not be relevant to you but the
downloadable code has a sample vchat client that graphs all of your
bandwidth usage and loss metrics. If you had your own modem connection you
could use it in the lab to test out different settings and find out what
works best for you.
Good Luck,
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Dial up eh? That sounds like fun So even with a 56K V.92 modem your
users will only have a max theoretical upstream bandwidth of 33.6Kbits/s.
Thats without adding in any overhead and without knowing what the loss is
from your customers computer through some old copper lines all the way to
the modem bank.
Anyway I think I'd try setting my webPub.fps really low, like 5 fps and
setting webPub.camera.setQuality(insert your lowBW number here, 0). Then
I'd set my audioPub.microphoneManager.encodeQuality to a 2 or a 3 (thats
7.75k and 9.80k respectively).
We dynamically downgrade our connection, but you may want to just have a
setting for your modem users since they'll always be at low bandwidth.
Here's an article about what we do, which may not be relevant to you but the
downloadable code has a sample vchat client that graphs all of your
bandwidth usage and loss metrics. If you had your own modem connection you
could use it in the lab to test out different settings and find out what
works best for you.
Good Luck,
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Have I mentioned lately how awesome it is to have devs helping other devs
here on the forum? Thanks a ton for your valuable input, Eric.
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Nigel you beat me to the punch, I wanted to be the first one to say thanks....
The sample code on the link you provided was also very helpful. I was thinking about using it to monitor the connection stream and adjust the quality accordingly. [to your specifications]
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I apologize in advance for the random question but, I noticed on small monitors or low resolutions... my pod buttons disappear in Flex 4. For example the start my camera button. I just made the switch to Flex 4.0 about a month ago, so not sure if it is an error on my end.
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That’s something new to us. Can you give an example of what resolution the start camera button disappears in Flex 4 ?
We can then verify at our end.
Hironmay Basu
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Well, for me... 1024 * 768. Below is an example of the layout that I used...
<s:VGroup x="0" y="0" id="menuBarVbox" width="100%" height="100%">
<s:HGroup width="100%" height="100%" id="mainHBox">
<s:VGroup width="20%" height="100%" id="chatArea" includeIn="standard_in,uninitialized">
<s:Panel width="100%" height="35%" title="Speaker">
<rtc:WebCamera id="camera" width="100%" height="100%" creationComplete="initCamera(event)"/>
<s:Panel id="" width="100%" height="35%" title="Chatting">
<rtc:SimpleChat id="chat" width="99%" height="99%"/>
<s:Panel width="100%" height="30%" title="Participants" skinClass="newPanel">
<rtc:AudioPublisher id="audioPub" useEchoSuppression="true" />
<rtc:AudioSubscriber id="audioSub"/>
<mx:Button label="Ask Question" toggle="true" id="audioButt" click="(audioButt.selected) ? audioPub.publish() : audioPub.stop()"/>
<rtc:Roster id=""
creationComplete="{studentList.addEventListener('userMenuItemClick', onMenuItemClick)};"
<s:VGroup width="80%" height="100%" id="otherArea" width.expanded_out="100%" width.expanded_in="100%">
blah, blah
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Did you get a chance to check out the code that I sent you? Again, it could me error, however it worked perfectly before I made the switch to the 4.0 SDK.
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Hi Dom,
Sorry for the delay as people are on memorial day break ... I got a chance to run your code under different resolutions and I noticed that for low resolutions such as 1024*768 , the camera start button gets on to the controlbar area of the panel and thus becomes invisible. This problem happens only when you embed camera inside the panel. Without panel, the behavior looked fine to me(I verified for WebCamera component).
I need to do a detailed debug why this happens with Panel in Flex 4 on Tuesday and will let you know. You can meanwhile add some extra space for the controlbar area of the panel that holds the webcamera pod. Is there other components that you are facing issues? Let us know. I can then look for all the things together.
Hope this helps
Hironmay Basu