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Show repeating table data in another subform


Level 2


I have made a repeating table with 2 fields and a script, but the data will not show up in the other subform:

The table data have to show up in 3 subform floating field areas.

Hope anyone can tell me what's not good or perhaps anyone has a better function.

The script is:

function doeIets() {

//    myOutput('BLAAT');


var vItems = form1.sub2aOverheidsorgaan.subTaakWerkzaamheden.dataAanvragers.tableAanvragers.Row1.txtOmschrijvingTaakOverheidsorgaan.all;

    for(i=0; i<vItems.length; i++) {   


                // Show the input

                vItems.item(i).sub3InhoudAutorisatie.presence = 'visible';


                // Show the output

                form1.sub3InhoudAutorisatie.subInladenTaak.Antwoord.all.item(i).presence = 'visible';   


                // Fill the output

                var txtOmschrijvingTaakOverheidsorgaan = vItems.item(i).txtOmschrijvingTaakOverheidsorgaan.rawValue;   

                form1.sub3InhoudAutorisatie.subInladenTaak.Antwoord.all.item(i).fltTaakOmschrijving.rawValue = txtOmschrijvingTaakOverheidsorgaan;





1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 10

In this scenario it is better to use a more generic function which is usable for multiple tables.

/** generic function to collect data

*   @param oTable:      object          table to take data from

*   @param oOutput:    object          textfield the results are written to

*   @param aCellNames:    array          variable array of field names in oTable to be analysed


function collectData (oTable, oOutput, aCellNames) {

var oRows = oTable.resolveNodes("Row1[*]"),

i, cResult = "";

for (i = 0; i < oRows.length; i += 1) {

cResult += i > 0 ? "\n" : ""; // line break

aCellNames.forEach(function (cellName, iName) {

var oCell = oRows.item(i).resolveNode(cellName);

if (oCell) {

cResult += iName > 0 ? " " : "" // space

cResult += oCell.isNull ? "" : oCell.rawValue;




oOutput.rawValue = cResult;


You now call the function with a third parameter from the individual table cells.

EAAFscript.collectData (tableAanvragers, form1.page1.subTaakWerkzaamheden.subInladenTaak.Antwoord.fltTaakOmschrijving, ["txtOmschrijvingTaakOverheidsorgaan", "txtRegelgevingInstellingTaakOverheidsorgaan"]);

The scheme it as follows:

collectData (TableForInput, TextfieldForOutput, ["Field1InTableRow", "Field2InTableRow", …]);

View solution in original post

14 Replies


Level 10


We might need a bit more, can you share your form so we can have a look (post a link to it in this thread) or maybe add a screen shot of the hierarchy




Level 2

Hi Bruce,

Thanks for your reaction:

I cannot submit the form because of confidentional status.

Attached 2 screenshots.

Start subform with table to fill in data


Target subform where data has to come:


Please let me know.




Level 10

Hi Ed,

Makes it tricky not seeing the whole thing but understand the conventionality stuff.

I don't understand this line;

var vItems = form1.sub2aOverheidsorgaan.subTaakWerkzaamheden.dataAanvragers.tableAanvragers.Row1.txtOm schrijvingTaakOverheidsorgaan.all;

The all property will return all like named objects so I would expect to see

var vItems = form1.sub2aOverheidsorgaan.subTaakWerkzaamheden.dataAanvragers.tableAanvragers.Row1.all;

if you add a line after that one "app.alert(vItems.length)" do you get the number you expect?


Level 2

HI Bruce,

Thanks again. The counter does what it has to do.

Now only showing the output.

I will check this out.




Level 2

Hi Bruce,

I have checked it and made some corrections.

This is the new script:

function doeIets() {

//    myOutput('BLAAT');


                // Taken overheidsorgaan

                var vItems = form1.sub2aOverheidsorgaan.subTaakWerkzaamheden.dataAanvragers.tableAanvragers.Row1.all;

                for(i=0; i<vItems.length; i++) {

                app.alert(vItems.length)    //working

                // Show the input

                vItems.item(i).txtOmschrijvingTaakOverheidsorgaan.presence = 'visible';


                // Show the output

                form1.sub3InhoudAutorisatie.subInladenTaak.Antwoord.all.item(i).presence = 'visible';

                // Fill the output

                var txtOmschrijvingTaakOverheidsorgaan = vItems.item(i).txtOmschrijvingTaakOverheidsorgaan.rawValue;       

                form1.sub3InhoudAutorisatie.subInladenTaak.Antwoord.all.item(i).fltTaakOmschrijving.rawValue = txtOmschrijvingTaakOverheidsorgaan;   





Still showing 1 input:


I have made an extraction of the form with only 2 sections.


Hope you can see what the issue is.




Level 10


to collect the data of all rows use this function:

var oRows = oTable.resolveNodes("Row1[*]"),

i, cResult = "";

for (i = 0; i < oRows.length; i += 1) {

cResult += oRows.item(i).txtOmschrijvingTaakOverheidsorgaan.isNull ? "" : oRows.item(i).txtOmschrijvingTaakOverheidsorgaan.rawValue;

cResult += " "; // space

cResult += oRows.item(i).txtRegelgevingInstellingTaakOverheidsorgaan.isNull ? "" : oRows.item(i).txtRegelgevingInstellingTaakOverheidsorgaan.rawValue;

cResult += "\n"; // new line


oOutput.rawValue = cResult;


Call it from the exit event of you text fields within the table row.

EAAFscript.collectData (tableAanvragers, form1.page1.subTaakWerkzaamheden.subInladenTaak.Antwoord.fltTaakOmschrijving);

Hope this helps.


Level 2

Hi Radzmar,

thanks, will check it.




Level 2

Hi Radzmar,

I place the function in the variable script and the exitscript on the origin fields.

But no result.


Perhaps something I missed.




Level 10

Hi Ed,

sorry, the previous script sample was incomplete for some reason. The function has to look this way.

function collectData (oTable, oOutput) {

var oRows = oTable.resolveNodes("Row1[*]"),

     i, cResult = "";

     for (i = 0; i < oRows.length; i += 1) {

          cResult += oRows.item(i).txtOmschrijvingTaakOverheidsorgaan.isNull ? "" : oRows.item(i).txtOmschrijvingTaakOverheidsorgaan.rawValue;

          cResult += " "; // space

          cResult += oRows.item(i).txtRegelgevingInstellingTaakOverheidsorgaan.isNull ? "" : oRows.item(i).txtRegelgevingInstellingTaakOverheidsorgaan.rawValue;

          cResult += "\n"; // new line


     oOutput.rawValue = cResult;



Level 2

HI Radzmar,

Thanks, this is working.

I now want to use the same function in a similar subform.

I did this with a second functioncollectData2:

function collectData (oTable, oOutput) { 

    var oRows = oTable.resolveNodes("Row1[*]"),  

         i, cResult = "";  


         for (i = 0; i < oRows.length; i += 1) { 

              cResult += oRows.item(i).txtOmschrijvingTaakOverheidsorgaan.isNull ? "" : oRows.item(i).txtOmschrijvingTaakOverheidsorgaan.rawValue;

              cResult += " "; // space

              cResult += oRows.item(i).txtRegelgevingInstellingTaakOverheidsorgaan.isNull ? "" : oRows.item(i).txtRegelgevingInstellingTaakOverheidsorgaan.rawValue;

              cResult += " "; // space      

              cResult += "\n"; // new line


         oOutput.rawValue = cResult;  


  function collectData2 (oTable, oOutput) { 

    var oRows = oTable.resolveNodes("Row1[*]"),  

         i, cResult = "";  


         for (i = 0; i < oRows.length; i += 1) { 

              cResult += oRows.item(i).txtOmschrijvingTaakDerde.isNull ? "" : oRows.item(i).txtOmschrijvingDerde.rawValue;

              cResult += " "; // space      

              cResult += "\n"; // new line


         oOutput2.rawValue = cResult;  


Can I do this like above written script. Hope you can help me.




Level 10

Hi Ed,

what does the second table look like? I need to know its structure to answer this question.


Level 2

Hi Radzmar,

The same sort of table with only a change in the field as: txtOmschrijvingTaakDerde.




Correct answer by
Level 10

In this scenario it is better to use a more generic function which is usable for multiple tables.

/** generic function to collect data

*   @param oTable:      object          table to take data from

*   @param oOutput:    object          textfield the results are written to

*   @param aCellNames:    array          variable array of field names in oTable to be analysed


function collectData (oTable, oOutput, aCellNames) {

var oRows = oTable.resolveNodes("Row1[*]"),

i, cResult = "";

for (i = 0; i < oRows.length; i += 1) {

cResult += i > 0 ? "\n" : ""; // line break

aCellNames.forEach(function (cellName, iName) {

var oCell = oRows.item(i).resolveNode(cellName);

if (oCell) {

cResult += iName > 0 ? " " : "" // space

cResult += oCell.isNull ? "" : oCell.rawValue;




oOutput.rawValue = cResult;


You now call the function with a third parameter from the individual table cells.

EAAFscript.collectData (tableAanvragers, form1.page1.subTaakWerkzaamheden.subInladenTaak.Antwoord.fltTaakOmschrijving, ["txtOmschrijvingTaakOverheidsorgaan", "txtRegelgevingInstellingTaakOverheidsorgaan"]);

The scheme it as follows:

collectData (TableForInput, TextfieldForOutput, ["Field1InTableRow", "Field2InTableRow", …]);


Level 2

HI Radzmar,

This function is great and works.

