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Question: How to dynamically create multiple rows in a table together


Level 2

I'm sure this is obvious to a seasoned person but I'm a newbie (just working with Forms for 1 week).

In the snapshot below I'm trying when I hit the Add button I'd like the two rows below the header in the table to replicate themselves below in the table.

Eventually there will be many rows to replicate. The problem is that I can't find a way to group these and then reference them by the javascript in the "add button" so that they replicate together.

any help/pointers etc. are much appreciated.



7 Replies


Former Community Member

You can only add 1 row at a time .....so if you want to add three rows then you would have to run the command three times.

Make sense?



Level 2

That explains why I couldn't figure out how to do it.

How about ..can I instantiate an entire table over and over at the press of

the add button? I've tried but I suspect I'm just not referencing the object

right or something?

Thanks for your help



Former Community Member

If the form is setup correctly (the container that holds the table is set to flowed) then it should be possible.



Level 2

Thanks again Paul. I believe the container is set to "flowed" but since I'm

new with forms and Livecycle (although I do know Java) I think I might not

be instantiating the table properly.

for eg. see attachment. I use--> details.addInstance(1)

but it doesn't do anything.

I'm trying to replicate the entire table when I hit the "add item" button

any ideas.




Former Community Member

You can't add attachments here at the moment .....you will have to send it to me via email (LiveCycle8@gmail.com).



Level 2

What was the outcome of this? I am trying to create a form by having a whole table added at the click of a button but can't make it work. This sounds similar but no solution is made available and I can't find anything else on the forums.

