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Printing comments that extend beyond the field?


Level 2
Level 2

I have created a form in LiveCycle Designer 8.  It contains a text field that allows recipients to write "beyond the size of the field" if they desire.

It is set to return the completed form as a PDF rather than a data file.  Once we recieve the completed form, we can view the extended comments by clicking on the + sign.  But, when we print the form the comments are cut off at the end of the box.  How can we print the entire comment directly from the PDF without having to cut and paste into another document?

For example, when you use Acrobat to make comments on a colleagues PDF they can automatically print those comments on a second page right from the print dialog box.  Is there a similar function for printing lengthy form input that extends beyond the size of the box?


6 Replies


Level 10


If you have a look at this thread: http://forums.adobe.com/message/3579725#3579725.

If you have a look at the last page in this example: http://assure.ly/g80MVY you will see how on screen the field is a fixed height (with the +), but there is script in the prePrint and postPrint events to increase the height of the field.

Now for this to work in practice you will need a Flowed layout, so have a look at the other thread for examples.

Hope that helps,



Level 2
Level 2

Hi Niall,

Thanks very much for your answer.  I can see how that type of dynamic field would work in may cases.  Unfortunately, in this case, the LiveCycle text fields are placed on top of a base static form so if the box expands it will not bump the items on the base form.  I was really hoping that there was a way to just print extended comments on a second page, like my Acrobat Comments example.  Any ideas?

Thanks Again!



Level 10

Hi Susan,

Can you save the form as a Dynamic XML Form in the file save-as dialog? If you can only save it as Static PDF then you are going to be limited.

If you can save it as a Dynamic XML Form then you could set up a page that is hidden. On this you would place larger textfields with the SAME NAME as the smaller ones on the main form. Then in the Object > Binding palette you would set the object binding to Global. This means that what ever is in the comments field on the main form will also appear on the hidden page.

Then simple script in the prePrint event would show the comments page and then in the postPrint it would hide it again.

How  does that sound?



Level 2
Level 2

I just checked, unfortunately the save-as dialog only gives me Static PDF options

I guess I will just have to limit the amount of text that they can type in the original box and then create a second page with a larger box in which they can continue their comments if they wish.  If you can think of anything better, please let me know.

Thanks very much for your ideas.  I appreciate your help!


Level 10


Because you have imported an existing Word/PDF document you will not be able to use dynamic behaviour like growing fields or showing/hiding pages.

You could still go for a comments page with larger fields and/or global binding. It's just that this page will always be visible.
