You can make it yourself...
You make an if statement into the checkbox, javascript:
if (this.rawValue == 1)
{BillingStreet.rawValue = ShippingStreet.rawValue.rawValue;
BillingCity.rawValue = ShippingCity.rawValue;
BillingState.rawValue = ShippingState.rawValue;
BillingZip.rawValue = ShippingZip.rawValue;}
you can make additionally
if(this.rawValue == 0 && BillingState.rawValue == ShippingState.rawValue && BillingZip.rawValue == ShippingZip.rawValue && BillingStreet.rawValue == ShippingStreet.rawValue.rawValue && BillingCity.rawValue == ShippingCity.rawValue)
{BillingStreet.rawValue = null;
BillingCity.rawValue = null;
BillingState.rawValue = null;
BillingZip.rawValue = null;}
will if the checkboxbutton was checked, the user didn't do any changes + the user unchecks it, delte the entries... if the user changed it even slightly it won't be delted.