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Please help, Livecycle form won't expand to 2nd page


Level 1

Help, apparently this program is much smarter than me. I have a form that won't expand beyond the first page. The information just dissappears. It is a two page fillable form. I have it set to dynamic.

The subforms are flowed, expand to fit, allow pagebreaks.

I'm not sure about the page subforms, should I be able to combine the two pages in one subform? It seems like the two pages are working as if they are two different documents. The first page expands just to go off the page and not even creating a second page. I was hoping it would expand to the next page moving the items down that are after it on the second page. Please help me I've spend way too much time on this form already.



7 Replies


Level 6

Make sure that the topmost subform (probably the page subform) is also set to flowed.

It would help if you can post the form for me to look at.


Level 6

You shouldn't need two page subforms.  When you start a new form Designer defaults to positioned layout and generates a page subform for you to lay things out on.  Changing the page subform to flowed will allow it to span multiple pages.


Level 1

Hi, okay so the "topmostsubform" that was labled that by the program won't allow me to make it flowed. however the page subform for both pages are set to flowed. Just a note. Every subform on the form is set to flowed, western, expand to fit, allow page breaks. I used margin settings to set the fields apart evenly.I'm really new to this site...how do you attach a document? I see insert link, video, image, but nothing for file?

Thnak you for your help. ...


Level 6

The forum won't allow you to upload files due to prior virus issues.  You can create a free account at https://acrobat.com/SignIn.html and then upload and share your form.


Level 1

okay I already had an account? So I went to the site. Do I just upload it there? How will you find it? I'm sorry I feel really ignorant. I'm new to this whole blog membership stuff.



Level 6

Don't sweat it, this forum software isnt' that great.

Once you're in Acrobat.com you should be able to create a new workspace to share files. Upload your file there, then highlight the file and choose the share button on the bottom left.  It will provide a link to the file; paste that into the forum message and I shold be able to access it from there.  I've never done this myself so I hope the instructions are correct.


Level 1


I'm not sure this worked. It says to share file and to enter your email address?  but it looks like your address is forums@adobe.com   is that correct or is it protected?