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Moving page drops it on top of another page, not between. HELP!!!


Level 2

I added a new page to a form I'm designing, and it placed it as the last page.  I thought in the hierarchy view, I could drag the page up until the line showed in between my first and second page, which is where i want the new page to go.  But every time I do that, it just drops the contents of my new page on top of everything already on my first page!!!  What am i doing wrong??  Please help.

8 Replies


Level 2

Actually, I think I was able to rearrange pages by cutting from the <subform> to the first </subform> of the one i wanted to move in the XML view, then pasting that above the <subform> of what is current the page i wanted it before.

Does that do it also, or did i just open up a can of worms?


Level 10


I am only guessing that it is something to do with the pagination in the Object / Pagination tab. When I drag a page here, it behaves as expected. It is a bit difficult to understand what is going on without the form. If you can, upload a version without some of the objects and we could see what is going on.



Level 2

Any suggestions as to what to look for specifically?  I'm not allowed to post the document publicly, although that would make things 100 times easier haha.


Level 10


I am having difficulty replicating the issue here.

When you are dragging the page up, make sure that the move bar is out by the edge of the main node tree:


If the move bar is in from the main node (and under page 1) then the page will drop onto page1 (as a subform):


Try keeping the move bar out to the left as you move the page:


Hope that does the trick...



Level 2

this is what my Hierachy tab looks like, when I grab and drag Comments and try to drop it between OverallRating and Development like shown below, it actually overlays the Comments subform over the Development subform.

function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))&#125;


Level 10


Yes, that looks fine the way you are dragging the page upwards. I can't replicate that here, especially where it dumps it on to the following page. Without seeing the form, it is difficult to see what is going wrong. Try setting up a new form and see do you still see the same behaviour there.

Good luck,



Level 2

These forms did originally start in the old Designer that came with Acrobat 7, so this does do some funky things.  I'm not going to worry about it for now, since I know I'm doing it right.

If it happens with new forms created in the new Designer, I'll make another post.