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LiveCycle preview works fine, Adobe Reader however has numerous accessor errors


Level 1

Hello everyone,

First I want to apologize about my extreme lack of knowledge and experience with this software, I have started using LiveCycle roughly two days ago and have hacked this document together using numerous forums and suggestions.

I have put together an invoice to be sent and filled out by support workers for their billable hours, therefore it is important that they be able to fill the form, save it, and email it back to me. Here is the current situation:

1) LiveCycle preview works fine.

2) Adobe Acrobat works fine.

3) Adobe Reader WITHOUT extended rights works fine.

4) Adobe Reader with extended rights via Acrobat creates additional Subtotal cells and has a number of accessor errors.

I have seen similar issues come up in the forum with a few key suggestions:

1) Give all the cells unique names, I believe I have done that, as well as the tables.

2) Start the slow process of deleting each element one by one, saving, and seeing if the problem remains. I have not done this as I am hoping an expert will be a lot quicker at pinpointing the issue, but if it comes to that then I will do it.

I would attach my file for you to view but I am having trouble locating the attachment button!

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 10

Hi David,

I think the start of your problems is the subtotal row under CalcTable.  This is set to repeat which I don't believe is your intent.  This gets confusing because the next two rows, Tax and Total have the same name.  Giving these 3 rows unique names will make your form easier to understand.

You will have to update your calculate scripts to reference the new names of the rows.  The accessor errors are because FooterRow[1] doesn't have a FedTax child field, because it has become a second occurrence of FooterRow[0] (the subtotal one ... making it the FooterRow[1])

Hope that makes sense ... it's getting late here and I've already re-written this several times.



View solution in original post

6 Replies


Level 10


I have seen this problem caused by incorrect custom binding.  Is your form using the default binding?  To share your form you need to upload it to a file share site (like Google Docs, DropBox or whatever) and post a link to it in this thread.




Level 1

Hi Bruce,

I have no doubt my binding might be an issue, here is the link to my document:

Invoice design.pdf - Google Drive

It also has the minor issue of showing that "Please Wait..." page as if my Adobe is not up to date and you cant view it online, but if you download it and open with pdf it works just fine.




Level 10

Hi David,

I've downloaded your form, but I don't see any obvious errors in the rights enabled version.  Do I have to do something specific?  Could you add some screenshots.




Level 1


This first screenshot shows the errors that pop up as soon as I open the reader extended file:

Invoice Design Reader Extended Error 1.png - Google Drive

The next screenshot shows the issues as I manipulate the form, there are now 3 Subtotal boxes and the other boxes no longer calculate. Everything else works fine though, the rows can be added and removed with no issue.

Invoice Design Reader Extended Error 2.png - Google Drive

Please let me know if I can provide you with any more information and thank you for your time and help!




Correct answer by
Level 10

Hi David,

I think the start of your problems is the subtotal row under CalcTable.  This is set to repeat which I don't believe is your intent.  This gets confusing because the next two rows, Tax and Total have the same name.  Giving these 3 rows unique names will make your form easier to understand.

You will have to update your calculate scripts to reference the new names of the rows.  The accessor errors are because FooterRow[1] doesn't have a FedTax child field, because it has become a second occurrence of FooterRow[0] (the subtotal one ... making it the FooterRow[1])

Hope that makes sense ... it's getting late here and I've already re-written this several times.




Level 1

Hi Bruce,

I decided to tackle your second suggestion first and renamed the rows and lo and behold everything is now working. I am very grateful for your help and I learned quite a bit, thanks again.

