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LiveCycle Designer ES2 - There are no pages selected to print Error


Level 1

I have recently updated by forms to liveCycle Designer ES2 and Adobe Acrobat X.  We are experiencing an issue with printing the form that was updated to use ES2.  When send it to the printer we get 2 error messages and it doesn't print.  First Error: "The Document could not be printed"  Second Error: "There were no pages selected to print".

I am not sure way I am getting these errors now but it is becoming a large issue.  Other PDFs not created in liveCycle Designer ES2 print fine.  Also it is not just one computer that doesn't print it is at least 20 computers (windows 7, adobe reader 10.1).

Any help would be appreciated.



4 Replies


Level 1

Does anyone have any tips on how to resolve this?  My LiveCycle form is a dynamic form.  It seems like livecycle Designer ES2 has corrupted it or designer ES2 has a bug that makes reader and acrobat print engine not recognize the pages.

Any help would be great.




Level 1

Okay I have figured it out.  One of the changes that I made to this version of my form was I converted an interactive textbox to a static textbox using LiveCycle Designer.  For some strange reason this textbox was causing this printing issue.  I deleted the textbox and it now prints fine.

Damb adobe bugs!



Level 1

I got the same problem. The form was behaving fine, till I added a textbox that can go on multiple lines. Now when I want o print I get an error that no page was selected...


Level 1

The strange part of the bug was that other people in the office could print, but not me. I had a chat with Adobe cutomer service and he asked me to print the form as a PDF, that worked for me. Mysteriously, this solved my problem and now I can print on all our network printers.