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LCDS documentation help


Former Community Member

There are five configuration files for LCDS:  proxy-config.xml, remoting-config.xml, messaging-config.xml, data-management-config.xml, services-config.xml.

I have searched for documentation that talks about them in their entirety, but I cannot find anything satisfactory.  I am starting with my first application to learn this technology and Its hard to tell which config files I must modify and which ones I can leave with the default settings.  I am using the data management services approach, so I know I need to define a destination in the data-management-config.xml.

Is there a document fully discussing these files, how they relate, and a full accounting of all the tags?

Greatly appreciated in advance.

2 Replies


Level 2

There currently is no complete reference section of the doc that lists all possible element/attributes for each of the configuration files.

However, there are commented configuration files in the lcds_install_dirl\resources\config directory that provide examples of each type of configuration and all elements and attributes. For example, the sample data-management-config.xml file shows configuration for each type of Data Management Service destination (assembler). There are many different ways to work with the Data Management Service, which can use very different config element combinations:


You may find this new article on building a simple Data Management Service application useful:



Configuration of different aspects of the system is described/shown in context in the doc, but I agree that a general reference would be useful.

The services-config file is the parent config file and all the services are included in it by reference:

        <service-include file-path="remoting-config.xml" />
        <service-include file-path="proxy-config.xml" />
        <service-include file-path="messaging-config.xml" />
        <service-include file-path="data-management-config.xml" />

In addition to including services by reference, the services-config.xml file contains the general settings for the messaging framework, such as channel definitions, security, logging, NIO server configurations, etc. Here is a general reference for services-config.xml, which gives a bird's eye view of the general structure of any service (remoting, data management, proxy, and  messaging) down to the destination level. The


This doc provides info on the general server and client structure of LiveCycle Data Services:


You may also find the test drive application in the lcds-samples web application useful for getting a basic idea of service configuration.