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LC and SQL Server 2008 R2


Former Community Member

Does anyone know if there are any issues with JBoss and SQL Server 2008 r2?  I tested connecting to a 2008 sql server in the adobe-ds.xml file and was getting errors in my server log.

The version of JBoss was what came with 8.0.  Would I need to update JBoss prior to being able to connect to a 2008 sql server?



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Level 7
7 Replies


Level 7

LiveCycle 8.0.1 is not tested or supported with Microsoft SQL Server 2008, let alone R2.  LiveCycle ES2 is supported on SQL Server 2008 but not R2.  But it might work nevertheless.

This document is the authoritative document on supported platforms for ES2 (pages 10-15):



Former Community Member

What about LC and 2008 SQL Server?

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Correct answer by
Level 7


Former Community Member

Thank you Jayan!


Level 2

ok, so how about the error here:

Error [ALC-LCM-130-100] on SQL Server DB

does it means that SQL Server 2008 R2 cannot be installed or used with Live Cycle ES 2.5 ?


Former Community Member

You are correct. You cannot use 8.2 with 2008 SQL server. You have to upgrade to version 9.

Thank you,

John Daily

Sent via Blackberry

John Daily

Application Systems Analyst III

King Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Office: 423-989-7165

Cell: 423-956-3911

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Former Community Member

Soory, I am facing the problem that even if I downgrade the SQL Server  2008 R2 to SQL Sever 2008, the DB validation failed message still exists. Is there any  way to tackle this problem. Thank you.