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Issues with Screen Sharing


Level 3

Just started trying out the screen sharingcode, and I'm having quite a few issues with the example code.  I'm hoping it might be due to my room configuration (all users are all guests), but, not sure.  I changed the "publish model" to "viewer" for the "Default ScreenShare" stream, trying to rule out some type of permissions issue, but, no luck.

One issue is that the method onStreamReceived() never actually finds either 1) a user descriptor (I modified the code so it would loop thru each and match on userId), or 2) the originalScreenPublisher object (never sets it due to if condition).  The end result is I never get a pub id to use in the target app.  (I'm running the same app twice).

I found the correct originalScreenPublisher in debug mode walking thru the method, then pasted this in the target "Other Person's Publisher ID" text field, and got the screen to be displayed in the displayArea, but, this logic coded in ScreenSharePubSubExample.mxml seems to miss my situation somehow.

Also, the onStreamReceived() method seems to be missing an additional "if" criteria before the last "if" condition:

     if(p_evt.streamDescriptor.type == StreamManager.SCREENSHARE_STREAM && publisherDescriptor != null) {

... if(publisherDescriptor.displayName == myDescriptor.displayName ||

which is contained in the same method in ScreenSharePublisherExample.mxml.  Without this additional check on type and publisherDescriptor, I get a "null" property error reference on publisherDescriptor (it's never set).

Also, even when I figured out what the publisher id was, and got screen sharing, the screen sharing doesn't update on simple mouse clicks!!  For example, the app I'm sharing (an Air app), when I clicked on tabs, it showed the mouse clicks, but, no tab was changed in the target screen share!

Makes me wonder if I'm wasting my time with trying to debug this code if the base "Adobe ScreenSharing" plugin is also this quirky and unstable.

Is this the same plugin being used for Adobe Connect, and, therefore should be stable, or, is it new also?

7 Replies


Former Community Member


>Also, the onStreamReceived() method seems to be missing an additional "if" criteria before the last "if" condition:

>if(p_evt.streamDescriptor.type == StreamManager.SCREENSHARE_STREAM && publisherDescriptor != null) { ... if(publisherDescriptor.displayName == >myDescriptor.displayName ||

>which is contained in the same method in ScreenSharePublisherExample.mxml. Without this additional check on type and publisherDescriptor, I get a "null" property >error reference on publisherDescriptor (it's never set).

This additional check for publiserDescriptor != null was fixed in the recent update last week. So, if you get the latest sampleApps from our 1.3 build, you will find it fixed.

>Also, even when I figured out what the publisher id was, and got screen sharing, the screen sharing doesn't update on simple mouse clicks!! For example, the app I'm >sharing (an Air app), when I clicked on tabs, it showed the mouse clicks, but, no tab was changed in the target screen share!

This is strange since we are using same stable addin for connectnow, so mouseclick not changing tabs is surprising, but I will double check on this tomorrow.

I will also look into the publisherID not being found first thing tomorrow and should be able to update you by tomorrow on the state.

Thanks for the info


Hironmay Basu


Level 3

Thanks for the speedy response, Hironmay.

Also, I just downloaded the SDK last night, shouldn't it be the latest?  I don't see anywhere (under <AFCS home>/com.adobe.lccs) where it indicates the release.


Former Community Member

It is there in the release notes file under /com.adobe.lccs/docs/ . That file should have the latest version and the features associated with it. The latest version is 1.3


Hironmay Basu


Former Community Member


I got time to investigate your two issues today.

Regarding the "Publisher ID" textField that doesn't get populated now, it's due to a bug we have identified already on our server. Because of this, you were not getting the originalStreamPublisher resulting in null publisherDescriptor. Anyways, this will be fixed and updated in the next drop of LCCS in coming month but since it’s a server side fix, you will have to live with it for now.

Regarding the screen sharing with tabs not being reflected on the viewer side, we did this test specifically with an air app that has tabs and we couldn't produce any issue. There could be latencies sometime, but you will definitely see the new tab on the viewer side if you have selected that on the sharer side. Try that again and I am sure you will be fine. Just make sure you don't have old connect or other addin or something messing up your system.

Thanks for letting us know about the publisherID issue


Hironmay Basu


Level 3


Thanks for investigating the issue.  I did check the release notes and I do have 1.3.  Is there a good workaround to get the session id?  My goal is to post a collection node in the room that contains a list of currently available screen sharing sessions, and allow the user to view these sessions and to pick one to view.  This is probably going to be a common use case for using screen sharing, probably a good candidate for a good code example in the

api ?

And, regarding the tabs not displaying, I'll test the Air app again and post back if it I'm still see the issue.

Just an fyi, the ScreenSharing utility is really flaky for me.  Some of the issues I've seen:

  • sometimes the plugin won't allow you to select an app/widow/full screen option, even though the dialog is present (after selecting an option, the "share" button does nothing, doesn't close the dialog either)
  • sometimes, the "Stop Screen Sharing" button stops the screen share, but, doesn't re-enable the "Start Screen Sharing" button 
  • sometimes, if I shut down my app (an Air app), it doesn't shut down the plugin.  (I can also reproduce this when using the same code in a browser version)
  • if I already have the plugin running (i.e. from a previous session), and you start another screen share, a second instance of the plugin starts (curious, one is named "Adobe ScreenSharing", one is named "Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro"), but, the "Start Screen Sharing" dialog doesn't appear.  Maybe this was conflicting with an existing plugin?
  • if you start a screen share, then stop it (and it does re-enable the "Screen Sharing Button" and close the plugin as expected), starting another screen sharing sesson brings up the plugin, but, the "Start Screen Sharing" dialog doesn't appear to select what to share.
  • if the user closes the plugin, and therefore the sceen sharing session, it doesn't re-enable the "Screen Sharing Button"

I'm certain that, when the kinks get worked out, this feature will be a huge addition to LCCS.  For my app, it's probably a deal maker. 

Fyi, I'm running on Windows Vista 64 bit, Flex 3.4, LCCS Flash Player 10 lccs.swc, and Flash Player 10,1,53,38.

Also, is there anyway to be notified when new releases (and server releases like mentioned previously) are available in LCCS?

Thanks again for your assistance!



Former Community Member

Hi DBWelch,

Thanks for sharing the info so much in depth.

I will go over each and every 6 issue you mentioned in depth next week

and prepare in details test case for each with our testing team.

We will have a patch coming up in less than a month or so and I will

try to get as many as possible fixes in that, including the server

side fix mentioned in last mail.

Unfortunately, for server side updates, there is not a way to know but

we do that with our client SDK mostly. And you can know any client

update if you start your sdk app. It will tell you if there is an


Meanwhile, I will provide you any temporary client swc that has fixes

of the issues you mentioned next week sometime.

We will also make sure it gets tested on vista/win 7 64 bit before


Thanks again


Hironmay Basu

Sent from my iPhone


Level 1


I am having the same issue. Stream descriptor in stream receive event of stream manager does not have any information about screencharer id. It's initiatorId and streamPublisherId of stream descriptor do not have id of user that opened screensharing stream (value is the same but different than userId. Dou have any knowledge when it will be fixed? Is there any reasonable workaround?
