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Issue with creating FDS project


Level 1
Hi, I'm new to Flex and FDS. I'm having issue with creating
Flex Data Services project. I use tomcat5.5.0 as an application
server. After clicking on finish button I'm getting 4 Errors:

The definition of base class Locale was not found

Could not resolve<mx:Application> to a component

unable to load SWC fds.swc: multiple points

unable to load SWC fds.swc: multiple points

Did anyone experience anything like that?

Please help. Thanks you.
6 Replies


Level 1
Thanks a lot.

I have install fds plugin, created new project as suggested
on Peter Martin's page and I'm still having the same issue.

Thanks again, anyway!


Level 1
Can you quickly explain what you did to install FDS, and what
you did to create the project ?

In case you haven't seen, you can find informations on how to
install Flex Data Services there :



Level 1
Thanks everyone!

I resolved an issue by going into
and getting update to 2.0.1.

Everything works now and tanks again!


Level 1
I've run into this same problem with the Flex Data Services
test drive. I want to load the sample apps into FlexBuilder so that
I can set some break points and learn more about them. When I try
to create a project using Flex Data Services/compile app locally

Root Folder: C:\fds-tomcat\webapps\ROOT

Root URL:
I get the same 3 errors in the Output panel:

The definition of base class Locale was not found

Could not resolve<mx:Application> to a component

unable to load SWC fds.swc: multiple points

unable to load SWC fds.swc: multiple points

I am on Flex 2.0.143459. Do I need the fix you referenced in
your previous post? If so, could you repost the link since the
exact link got truncated? Thank you very much.

P.S. Seems odd to me that Adobe doesn't seem to be monitoring
this forum. Lots of questions seem to go unanswered and it often
seems that junior members are trying to help each other. Where are
the evangelists and experts that want Flex to take off and become
as pervasive as Flash? The Flash Forum is very active with
questions getting answered in a matter of hours if not minutes
sometimes. Is Adobe really serious about Flex?


Former Community Member
When using FDS 2.0.1 or LCDS 2.5 with Flex Builder, you need
to add fds.swc

and fds_rb.swc to the Library Path of your Flex project. You
can find fds.swc

in /WEB-INF/flex/libs and fds_rb.swc in