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Insert Record with a Closed DataConnection?


Level 1

Hello, I am rather new at all of this but have learned an enormous amount of information thanks to these forums, so any help would be greatly appreciated. I am creating a Purchase Order with many dataconnections, I am wondering if it is possible to ONLY Insert and Update a record in a database. That is, I dont want my form to display records (the only way I can think of is not having my connections open, but then of course it wont insert or update either). I am only going to use the Purchase order to insert Info into my database with a submit button, Then I will do a "save as" with the form and open it back up to update it(with Invoice Number, Date paid, check # etc.). Again, any help would be awesome, I have been working very hard on this and am almost there!

2 Replies


Level 10

I do not understand what is conpicated here..

Your form submits XML data to an LC process that updates/inserts the Purchase Order details into DB.

Of course, you can save your PDF for later use. Perhaps you may use a clear button to vanish the field values and reenter for next post to DB.

Is that not working as expected?



Level 1

My purchase order has 3 lines with seperate dataconnections to input the orders.  Bascially I want to be able to input all of the information on my purchase order, save the form as the Purchase order Number assigned to it, so that later when I have payment information for that PO# I can open up that form and update it with date paid, invoice # etc... and finally submit the data to my database. My problem is  It will only display one record at a time, I want to be able to see all of the records associated with that PO# and update them all at once. Also Since I have addNew in my initialize event, Whenever I do a save as (PO#) and open it back up the form is empty. So my thought was that If I put all my connections on Delay Open and save the Form until I am completely done with it (invoice #, Etc.) Somehow open my connections and submit to database. Right now if I do this it wont' submit anything and just displays the last record in all of my lines. Maybe I am putting Open in the wrong event?

I have tried a Clear Form button and it clears from my database also.

The only thing that I can think of is to fill out the form and use Export/Import until all of the info is completed on the PO and then submit. This form will be used by 3-4 other people and I was just trying to make it as simple as possible for them.