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If Then Statement for Checkboxes


Level 1
Hours Payed
QC Checkbox
5.00NOT checked
Change from 5.00 to 0.00 when checkedCHECKED

I have a value that I would like to modify based on if a check box is checked or not.

If my QC checkbox is NOT checked, then I want the value to remain the same as what the user has entered for hours payed.

However, let's say that a user entered 5.0 hours in the second row.  They then find out that the sample is a QC sample.  Therefore, the user clicks on the QC checkbox.  I then want the hours payed to change to 0.00 since it is a quality control sample.

I wrote this if/then statement for the hours payed column but it is not changing the value to 0.00 if the QC box is checked.

if ( CheckBox1 == 1 ) then
  HP1 = 0
elseif ( CheckBox1 == 0 ) then
  HP1 = HP1

Please help.

3 Replies


Level 2
Hours Claimed
Quality Control
Hours Paid
5 (HC1)Checked (QC1)0 (HP1)
6 (HC2)NOT Checked (QC2)6 (HP2)

I had a similar issue myself, and finally figured that it wouldn't work, because I was looping the calculation. However, I found that if I have my formulae in a separate column, then it worked. Oh the formulae I used (in the numfield HP1) was:

form1.#subform[0].Table1.Row1[0].HP1::calculate - (FormCalc, client)
if (QC1 == 1) then (HC1 == 0)




Level 1

Thank you L. That was the answer I was looking for. Thanks again for your help.




Level 2

You're welcome! Good luck with it .