I have a subform, sfQ, that holds four items, tfInitials, cbQ, tfTypeCheck (hidden), and tfQ1. tfQ1 is a text field that allows multiple lines. All four start with a height of .3125in. When I set the subform to flowed, the items move to "top to bottom" order, and the subform changes height to .9375 (as I would expect). When I change the subform back to "Western text", the subform's height does not shrink back to .3125in. I would expect it to shrink back down since the subform does not need to be so large when the lines are running left-to-right.
If I select the subform and go to the layout pallette, then type in the height I want, it reverts back to .9375in.
If I click and drag the sizing box in the design view, it expands back to it's larger size.
If I remove all but one field and change the subform to flowed, it still goes back to .9375!
If I go to the docReady event for the subform and set the height with this.h = ".3125in"; the subform will not expand when the text field tfQ1 receives a long value (two or more lines).
Any ideas about getting around this?