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How to submit PDF form from my local hard disk(offline submission)?


Level 2

Hi All,

       Earlier I used to submit PDF form using LC workspace to a LC workbench Process , but now I had a requirement to submit the PDF without workspace. I need to open a local PDF and if I click the submit button then it should invoke the LC workbench Process via Soap end point. Please can anybody help me out!

I will greatly appreciate any help on this issue

22 Replies


Former Community Member

hi nith,

i hve sent mail ti ur id...reply ASAP


Former Community Member

Hi, thanks for providing the example.  I tried it as is, and it worked.

But then, I tried to modify it a little but, and I got this message in the server log:

[3/1/11 15:20:30:520] 00000145 LocalExceptio E   CNTR0020E: EJB threw an unexpected (non-declared) exception during invocation of method "doRequiresNew" on bean "BeanId(LiveCycleES2#adobe-dscf.jar#EjbTransactionCMTAdapter, null)". Exception data: org.w3c.dom.DOMException: INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: An invalid or illegal XML character is specified.

What I was trying to do, was

at the "SOAP Invocation" process, I would like to put the "User"'s login ID into the Event data;

such that in the "SOAP Usage" process,  I can extract the Login ID, then assign it to a process variable,

and at the "Assign Task to User" step, I can use XPath (of the process variable) for the "Initital User Selection",

(instead of hard-coding the user ID).

But somehow it didn't work.

What's the right way to pass the user's Login ID onto the target process?
