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How to display data from two tables into odd/even pages?


Level 1

Hello Forum,

I need to display data from first table on odd pages, and data from second table on even pages.

I have 2 master pages with double-side printing and set the option for odd/even pages. The master pages are rendering as odd/even pages.

In the body pages I have subforms with tables with flowed option.

The first table records are being displayed on both odd/even pages content area first. then the second table records are displayed later.

Is there any way I can restrict the tables to be displayed on odd or even pages only. thus alternating the display of tables on odd/even pages.

Your suggestion/help is greatly appreciated.



3 Replies


Former Community Member

On the MasterPage that is associated with the page level subform that the Table is on you can control whether the page is an even page or an odd page.



Level 1


Thanks for your reply.

I'm able to get the alternating master pages as odd/even pages.

One table should be flow into odd pages, and other table should be flown into even pages. I'm not getting how the data will be placed in subforms. Is it all the first table records are placed first, and then the second table records next. This is what I'm getting.

Is there a way to alternate the placement of data records; as first table records on first page, then second table records on second page, remaining records from table 1 on page 3, remaining records from table 2 on page 4 and so on...




Former Community Member

That is not how the layout happens ......all of Table 1 is created then all of Table 2. If Table 1 is more than 1 page you can force it to go to the next even page but the odd page in between will be left blank (you cannot go back in a layout oonly forward).

Make sense?
