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how multiple xml formscan be added to live cycle designer forms.need help urgent


Level 2

I created xml files from my excel files . but in livecycle designer in form properties---> preview we can add only one xml file as as data file .  i want to  add all xml files so that i can fill the fields with them. how i can  solve this probelm. need help urgent

5 Replies


Level 9

Hi Prasad,

You can add only one XML file to a form. If you add more than one xml files to a form then it would be overwritten. You have to use any texteditor for ex: Notepad to merge all those xml files into a single xml file.




Level 2

is copy pasting the xml code into one notepad is enough or we have to use third party xml merging softwares needed. if it so please suggest me good one


Level 9

Hi Prasad,

I had faced the same problem earlier. Though I tried many third party softwares like.. XML Spy editor etc.. I found the easiest way to do it through notepad.

For ex : You have two sections in a form 1. CustomerSection. 2. ItemSection and you have separate xml for both.

Lets say your XML structure for Customer Section is :



          <Name>Some Name</Name>

          <Phone>Some No</Phone>

          <Address>Some Address</Address>



You have several entries for Customer Section like this.

For Item Section :



          <ItemNo>Some No</ItemNo>

          <ItemTitle>Some Title</ItemTitle>

          <Price>Some Price</Price>



You have several entries for Item Section like this.

Then you can edit the xml to have a single xml like this.



          <Name>Some Name</Name>

          <Phone>Some No</Phone>

          <Address>Some Address</Address>

     </CustomerSection>  // And repeat all your entries for Customer Section.


          <ItemNo>Some No</ItemNo>

          <ItemTitle>Some Title</ItemTitle>

          <Price>Some Price</Price>

     </ItemSection>  // And repeat all your entries for Customer Section.





Level 2

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <dataroot xmlns:od="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:officedata" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="FILE_CODE2.xsd" generated="2011-07-23T12:05:46">
  <Project>Umm Jalid Avenue - Riffa</Project>
  <Project>Mutarid Avenue - Riffa</Project>


<dataroot xmlns:od="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:officedata" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Recipient%20List.xsd" generated="2011-07-24T17:00:01">
- <Recipient_x0020_List>
  <Recipient_x0020_Name>A. Aziz Zainal</Recipient_x0020_Name>
  <Designation_x0020__x002C_Department>Acting Director, Sanitary Engineering Planning & Projects, Ministry Of Works & Housing</Designation_x0020__x002C_Department>
- <Recipient_x0020_List>
  <Recipient_x0020_Name>A. Hameed Akbari</Recipient_x0020_Name>
  <Designation_x0020__x002C_Department>A/Chief, Roads Maintenance, Roads Projects & Maintenance Directorate, P.O. Box 5, Manama Kingdom Of Bahrain, Ministry Of Works & Housing</Designation_x0020__x002C_Department>


<dataroot xmlns:od="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:officedata" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Senders%20List.xsd" generated="2011-07-24T17:00:39">
- <Senders_x0020_List>
  <Senders_x0020_Name>Hussam Awad</Senders_x0020_Name>
  <Designation_x0020_>Operations Manager</Designation_x0020_>
  <Oraganisation>Parsons Global Services Limited</Oraganisation>
- <Senders_x0020_List>
  <Senders_x0020_Name>Kadry sarhan</Senders_x0020_Name>
  <Designation_x0020_>Highway Design Manager</Designation_x0020_>
  <Oraganisation>Parsons Global Services Limited</Oraganisation>


- <dataroot xmlns:od="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:officedata" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Data%20files.xsd" generated="2011-07-24T17:01:23">
- <Data_x0020_files>
- <Data_x0020_files>
  <F3>outgoing transmittal.xlsx</F3>
- <Data_x0020_files>

I Changed the text like this . i have 4 xml files FILE_CODE2,Recipient List,Senders List,Data files. if i have to keep 1 single dataroot what about schema files mentioned in the dataroot.?please help me


Level 9

Hi Prasad,

In my opinion there should be one data root at the beginning and one at the end ..

- <dataroot xmlns:od="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:officedata" generated="2011-07-23T12:05:46">

  <Project>Umm Jalid Avenue - Riffa</Project>
  <PGSL_x0020_Project_x0020_File_x0020_code>D.7.11</PGSL_x0020_Project_ x0020_File_x0020_code>
  <Project>Mutarid Avenue - Riffa</Project>
  <PGSL_x0020_Project_x0020_File_x0020_code>D.7.12</PGSL_x0020_Project_ x0020_File_x0020_code>

- <Recipient_x0020_List>
  <Recipient_x0020_Name>A. Aziz Zainal</Recipient_x0020_Name>
   <Designation_x0020__x002C_Department>Acting Director, Sanitary  Engineering Planning & Projects, Ministry Of Works &  Housing</Designation_x0020__x002C_Department>
- <Recipient_x0020_List>
  <Recipient_x0020_Name>A. Hameed Akbari</Recipient_x0020_Name>
   <Designation_x0020__x002C_Department>A/Chief, Roads Maintenance,  Roads Projects & Maintenance Directorate, P.O. Box 5, Manama Kingdom  Of Bahrain, Ministry Of Works &  Housing</Designation_x0020__x002C_Department>

- <Senders_x0020_List>
  <Senders_x0020_Name>Hussam Awad</Senders_x0020_Name>
  <Designation_x0020_>Operations Manager</Designation_x0020_>
  <Oraganisation>Parsons Global Services Limited</Oraganisation>
- <Senders_x0020_List>
  <Senders_x0020_Name>Kadry sarhan</Senders_x0020_Name>
  <Designation_x0020_>Highway Design Manager</Designation_x0020_>
  <Oraganisation>Parsons Global Services Limited</Oraganisation>

- <Data_x0020_files>
- <Data_x0020_files>
  <F3>outgoing transmittal.xlsx</F3>
- <Data_x0020_files>

Try to make the XML out of your DB in such a way that it would only show <dataroot xmlns:od="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:officedata" generated="2011-07-23T12:05:46"> instead of showing shema location and file name. I am not sure how far is this feasible in your DB. But give it a try.

