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How do you keep pages visible when saving or submitting?


Former Community Member

My flowed interactive form works like a charm until the user saves or submits the form.

When the form is saved or submitted using a button the pages that became "visible" via script based on the users selections become "hidden" when the saved form is reopenned or the submitted form is openned.

I'm stummped. I'm a novice at scripting and LC and have tried everything I can think of....

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 8

A quick look at your form and I can already see that there are other (hidden) subforms that contain checkboxes that reference the same subforms in the docReady event. For instance IMW9 in IMcustody references W9Aug131 and others but so does btw9 under BondTrustee.

To find any others you can click on the root subform, goto your script editor and select Show: Events with Scripts and make sure Show Events for Child Objects is selected then just do a search for the subform name there's a conflict with.


View solution in original post

10 Replies


Level 8

Try putting the same script in the docReady event as well.

Also from Designer try File>Form Properties and select 'Automatically' under 'Preserve scripting changes to form when saved:'



Former Community Member

Thanks Kyle,

That almost worked on all of it but I'm still chasing a few pages that refuse to remain visible. I'm trying to work that out now.

I've found a possible item that might be messing some stuff up but I'll post a separate thread as it doesnt directly relate to this one.


Former Community Member


Still not 100%. It appears it works on most but not all pages.

First, the form properties were already set to automatically preserve scripting.

Second, I copied each script to the docready event and tested the reader enabled version. That test resulted in most of the 2nd tier pages still visible, but the checklist page was now hidden.

I copied those scripts from the change event of a dropdown list, to the docready event of the dropdown list and tested again. No change in the result. Checklist still hidden on reopen of the saved completed form.

I'm also at a loss as to why all of the items checked that should now be visible are not. The script for the hidden items is identical in format to the pages working correctly.

If anyone has any thoughts on what to check I'd really appreciate any guidance. 


Former Community Member

Still not showing all items when reopen saved dynamic form. Getting so frustrated. Below is a sample of a page that will not remain visible.

Example of one page that refuses to stay "visible".

AcctOpenProcesssubform.InvReviewCert::initialize - (JavaScript, client)
this.presence = "hidden";

Example of script for a checkbox on one of the checklist pages.

AcctOpenProcesssubform.Escrow.escInvRvw::click - (JavaScript, client)
if (this.rawValue == "1") {
  InvReviewCert.presence = "visible";
else {
  InvReviewCert.presence = "hidden";

Example of the script on Docready event of a checkbox on the same checklist page.

AcctOpenProcesssubform.Escrow.escInvRvw::docReady - (JavaScript, client)
if (this.rawValue == "1") {
  InvReviewCert.presence = "visible";
else {
  InvReviewCert.presence = "hidden";

All of the hidden pages are scripted just like above examples yet some show and some are hidden even though the checkbox is checked.
This is my first project using LC and I've got to this point based on my reading and member suggestions here.
Is this design sound or is there some other more efficient solution? Based on my reading, this should be working fine. Otheres appear to have
had success with this approach. Unsure why I am getting mixed results. I have checked and rechecked the scripts for pages that are not
remaining visible and they look OK to me. Anyone see a glaring flaw or have any ideas?

Thanks in advance!


Former Community Member

I just noticed something....After searching through the Livecycle scripting basics document again, I was checking the various tabs in the Report palette.

On the binding tab, I see that most if not all of my checkboxes are set to "Use global data". Although I believe I renamed them all to unique names, could that be contributing to what I've been experienciing?

Should these be set to "Use name" as a best practice unless they are truely bound to another field?


Former Community Member

Hi all,

I have not been successful getting the pages to remain visible when saving the form as pdf after filling in. I loaded my form to adobe.com if any of you experinced folks could check it out and let me know whats going wrong I would realy appreciate the help.


Our users will generally be using Reader 8 or higher.

In either reader or acrobat pro:

On page one, if you select from the Account Type dropdown list - "65 - Managing Agency Personal", a second page becomes visible.

On that second page, select the following items and you end up with 13 pages visible.

Privacy Notice

Privacy affiliate marketing choices


Investment review certification

Adhoc agreement

If you then save the "completed" form as a PDF and then reopen the saved PDF...only 4 pages are visible when it should show all 13 pages.

I'm lost as to why this is happening. I very new to LC and scripting and have hit the wall so to speak. I'm hoping someone can help out.


Former Community Member


I really need some help with this problem. I've loaded up my form at adobe.com. I'd really appreciate any help in getting this resolved.


Correct answer by
Level 8

A quick look at your form and I can already see that there are other (hidden) subforms that contain checkboxes that reference the same subforms in the docReady event. For instance IMW9 in IMcustody references W9Aug131 and others but so does btw9 under BondTrustee.

To find any others you can click on the root subform, goto your script editor and select Show: Events with Scripts and make sure Show Events for Child Objects is selected then just do a search for the subform name there's a conflict with.



Former Community Member

Thanks Kyle! I knew it would be something basic I wasnt seeing.

Now how to "fix" my design? The first 8 subreport pages are account type checklists. The remaining 47 subreport pages are the various documents that could be selected in any of the account type checklists.

As you pointed out, there can be overlap in that many are shared in several account types.

The SchA for example is required for nearly all the account types. I really dont want 7-8 copies of the same document for each account type. That is what I was trying to avoid.

Clearly I need to resolve those conflicts somehow but dont have a clue as to how to best accomplish that task and get the form working correctly. Any suggestions on how to either correct my current design or perhaps an alternate route to the same destination?

Basically a user opens the form and sees page one (always visible). They select an account type from a dropdown list on page one. The account type selection makes one of 8 different checklists visible. The user then would select various checkboxes that unhide the various supporting documents they need to open that account type.

Once they finish filling it all the info in the visible documents, they need to save the form so it can be loaded into our imaging system. We dont want to flatten the pdf because we need to be able to parse some of the data into another system which would create the new account.


Former Community Member

OK. i believe I worked it out.

For anyone interested, this is how I corrected the problem.

I removed the script to set the presence of all the supplimental pages to "hidden" from the initialize event.

In the object palette, I changed each supplimental page presence to Hidden (exclude from layout).

Last, I removed the "else" script from the If statement that set the presence to hidden from each Docready event.

So it seemed I KISSed my form. Keep It Simple Stupid is my thought for today.

I've tested a few different scenarios and it all seems to be working and playing nice together!

Thanks again Kyle for taking a look at my form and setting me in the right direction! This really is a great forum community!.