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Hide only the left navigation pane (has buttons for layers, paperclip, etc.)


Level 9

Is there a script to hide only the left navigation pane containing the buttons (signatures, layers, paperclip, etc)? I can hide it manually by right clicking it and choose "Hide navigation pane buttons".


18 Replies


Level 9

Radzmar - I tried that script from your other post but it also closes the scroll bar on the right side. I have the scipt under the docReady event:

form1::docReady - (JavaScript, client)

event.target.viewState = {overViewMode:5};

I can close the panel manually that has the bookmarks, layers, paperclip, etc... and it does not close the scroll bar on the right but can't figure out a script that will do that.

Thanks for trying to help.



Former Community Member

Set it just the way you want manually then run this script in a button click to see what values to use:

var vState = event.target.viewState.toSource();

app.alert(vState );


Level 9

Radzmar: I tried:

event.target.viewState = {overViewMode:1};

but no success.


Do I type all of this into the docReady event?


Thank you both for helping.



Level 9

I am trying to close the black navigation pane that contains the various buttons (paperclip, etc..) with script.


Here are the values when the pane is open


These are the values when that navigation pane is closed:


Please respond if you can help me solve this problem. Thanks


Level 10

Ok, here's another suggestion.

There is another method to show/hide panes too, which is undocumented I think.


Level 9

Unfortunitly, none of these close the pane I need to close.



Level 10

Do you test this in the PDF-Preview? This doesn't work.

I tested the scripts above in the Acrobat and they worked as expected.


Level 9

I plaved the code below in the docready event of form1, saved and opened the form in Acrobat X and the navigation pane was not closed.

event.target.pane = "";

Am I doing something wrong?




Level 10

I have no idea what you're wrong.

Do you have the JavaScript activated in Acrobat?


Level 9


Here's a link to an example of the form I am working with and I have the code to minimize the panes in the docReady event of form1



Level 10

I'd no problems with your file.

The script did what it should do.

Does it work when you type it into the JS console of Acrobat?

You have to replace "event.target" with "this" in that scenario!


Level 9

I'm sorry - I'm not very familiar with how to do that. Do I press Ctl-J? Then how do I enter the code?


Level 10

Ok, open Acrobat press Ctrl + J.

The JS Debugger should open, if not it's not active (check Acrobat's preferences Ctrl + K > JavaScript > Enable Acrobat JavaScript + Enable interactive console).

In the Debugger select the console view if it is not already selected.

Below you'll see a window you can type in JavaScripts.

Enter the script and press Ctrl + Return to execute it.



Level 9

I did what you described and nothing happens. The pane stays open. See the screen shot at the link below. I checked to be sure JavaScript is enabled in Acrobat and it is.



Level 10

Maybe I confused things.

this.pane = ""; or this.viewState = {overViewMode:1}; or app.execMenuItem("ShowHideNavigationPane"); minimizes the left pane to the icon view.

this.viewState = {overViewMode:5}; will hide it completly but also the scroll bar.

There seems to be not way to hide the bar but keep the scroll bar active.


Level 9


Thanks for trying so hard to help me. I appreciate all your time. Have a good day!