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Help with form submit - cc


Former Community Member

Hi all, this is probably really basic stuff for you all, so bear with me, I have the code below as part of a submit button that I use for various different forms without any problems, but what I want to do is add a single "cc" address to the code, so that the form I am currently working on goes to that address as well as the one from the drop-down list... can anybody help?

Many thanks

if (DropDownList1.rawValue != null){
RealEmail.event__click.submit.target = "mailto:" + DropDownList1.rawValue + "?subject=" + Subject.rawValue;
} else {
app.alert("Please select a user from the dropdown!");

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 10

I sent the updated form in a separate email.

Let me know if that helps.



View solution in original post

11 Replies


Level 10

Check the attached sample for sending the CC email address..





Former Community Member

Thanks Srini

It's all good stuff, but I can't figure out what to do to add a specific, single cc address to the one chosen from the dropdown list script I am using, as I want to do both together... Probably being stupid, but can anyone help any further with this?


Level 10

//Declare variables to hold the values

var strToAddress, strCCAddress, strSubject, strMessage

//Assign the values from form fields to the variables
strToAddress = txtToAddress.rawValue;
strCCAddress = txtCCAddress.rawValue;
strSubject = txtSubject.rawValue;
strMessage = txtMessage.rawValue;

In the above assignment, I am assigning the value of "txtCCAddress" to the variable. If you have a specific email address to be sent as CC then you can directly assign the email to this variable.

strCCAddress = ccEmail@myCompany.com;

event.target.submitForm({cURL:"mailto:"+ strToAddress + "?cc=" + strCCAddress + "&subject=" + strSubject + "&body=" + strMessage,cSubmitAs:"PDF"});

Hope this helps.




Former Community Member

Thanks Srini,

Really appreciate your help with this, but I what I'm struggling with is incorporating the cc address into this particular code fragment. I thought you could just add a cc instruction into the line directing it to a textfield with the address in [see example] but I just can't get it to work! I have tried adapting the code you gave me but can't find a way to make that work either... sorry if i am being slow, am storing all the other code snippets for future reference!

Many thanks

if (DropDownList1.rawValue != null){
RealEmail.event__click.submit.target = "mailto:" + DropDownList1.rawValue + "?cc=" + CCTextField.rawValue + "&subject=" + Subject.rawValue;
} else {
app.alert("Please select a user from the dropdown!");


Level 10

May be you can post the form, so I can have a look at it..




Correct answer by
Level 10

I sent the updated form in a separate email.

Let me know if that helps.




Former Community Member

Brilliant, works like a charm... thanks very much Srini, you've been great.



Former Community Member

Hi Srini,

Using your codes, I rewrite it this way but I could not make the CC work right. It keep using the email address in the ToAddress so both of the ToAddress and CCAddress are always the same. Note that I am using GroupWise 7 as the client email.

/Assign the values from form fields to the variables
strToAddress = "test1@abc.com";
strCCAddress = "ccEmail@myCompany.com";
strSubject = "Craft Issue Tracking Form" ;
strMessage = "Please see the attached form.";;

event.target.submitForm({cURL:"mailto:"+ strToAddress + "?cc=" + strCCAddress + "&subject=" + strSubject + "&body=" + strMessage,cSubmitAs:"PDF"});

Can you help on this.

Thanks in advance,

Han Dao


Former Community Member

Just tried your code amd it worked fine (so you know it is not the code)...but I use Outlook ...sounds like it might be a GroupWise issue. You might try changing over to a mailto command and see if the issue still exists.



Former Community Member

Hi Paul,

I think it may be the GroupWise thing too. I try mailto thing and it does the same thing too. I even tried the submit by email button but it still does the same thing. I am not sure what I can do now.


Han Dao


Former Community Member

I seem to remember issues with GroupWise before .....you might want to check with support and see if they have any advice.
