I have a survey with several question that are either visible or hidden based on the user's selection from a Yes/No radio button group. The user can then either submit the survey by e-mail or print the survey. If the user prints the survey before submission, all of the invisible portions that the user's input has rendered visible are included in the printed copy; however, when the pdf is generated to be attached to the e-mail submission or saved using the Save As option, the elements that were made visible by code are not included in the pdf. The following is the code being used in the Yes radio button:
Comp4WhenImplementText.presence = "invisible";
Comp4WhenImplement.presence = "invisible";
Comp4MajorFactorText.presence = "invisible";
Comp4WhenImplement.Comp4When03 = 0;
Comp4WhenImplement.Comp4WhenNever = 0;
if (Comp4No.selectedIndex != -1 ||
Page3.Comp1.Comp1No.selectedIndex != -1 ||
Page4.Comp2.Comp2No.selectedIndex != -1)
CorrectiveAction.presence = "visible";
CorrectiveAction.presence = "invisible";
The code in the No radio button is as follows:
Comp4WhenImplementText.presence = "visible"
Comp4When.presence = "visible"
CorrectiveAction.presence = "visible"
The code in the e-mail submit button:
form1.#subform[12].Button2::click - (JavaScript, client)
if (CorrectiveAction.presence == "visible")
if ((CorrectiveAction.rawValue == null) || (CorrectiveAction.rawValue == ""))
Button1 is invisible and layered under the visible e-mail submit button. It actually submits the pdf by e-mail. The visible button performs a test and displays a message to the user if the user's survey answers fail. I have also tried "hidden" in all of the areas that are listed as "invisible".
What should be added or changed so that the invisible elements of the survey that are rendered visible by code can be seen in the pdf of the survey. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.