Hi! I am trying to pass back a JSON object to flex usingHttpService. The scenario is like this - using HttpService I amcalling an action since i am using Struts 2.0 . This action issupposed to return a string in JSON format. When i am passing backthe data in XML format the data is properly displayed...
Hello!!I`m develop little example with Adobe tutorial: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/livecycle/articles/blazeds_spring_05.htmlDeploy is Done!!!! But when applicattion started I had errorby celling RPC:[FaultEvent fault=[RPC Fault faultString="Send failed"faultCode="Client.Error.MessageSend"faultDetail...
How could I have the shared files, whiteboard and othershared data removed when the session ends? At present when newguests enter a room they also see the data from the previous guestswho have all logged out the previous day.
At MAX in San Francisco, I remember hearing that with Adobe'spermission, one could get an exception to the bandwidth and userlimits. How difficult is it to get such an exception? A little background -- I'm researching different solutions tomanage users in a small virtual world that avatars could wal...
[Thread Edited By Adobe] /*Don’t forget to meet and greet your fellow peers virtually by telling them about yourself here. Go ahead and to it now: https://adobe.ly/3eDnB4v */ Actual Question: HII am using a webservice(.net webservice) that is on mylocalhost and using it in flex application that i...
I'm going over the SDK and docs for Cocomo and have a fewquestions:1. There is the ability to create rooms, can any user do thisor only specific ones - its seems like in the documents creatingrooms is left to people with "owner" rights?2. Is there anything that keeps track of a current list ofrooms ...
I have two Adobe IDs - one I've had for years and one Icreated just to test out Cocomo - and I am unable to logon via theDev Console with either of these accounts. I always receive themessage "Authentication Error" when I attempt to logon.I have tried using both the meeting URL and the account URL(t...