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Formating time input fields


Level 2

I'm using the {short.time} format (HH:MM) as input fields on a form.  99% of the people understand that they need to use the : - it's the last 1% that brings me here.  How do I go about either forcing them to use the HH:MM format or making my form accept their HHMM input ??  If they use the HHMM format, my time calcs don't work properly. 

THX ..........

4 Replies


Level 10


In the Patterns dialog, set:

Display to time{HH:MM}

Edit to time{HH:MM}|time{HHMM}

Data to time{HH:MM}

The additional pattern for the edit, will allow a user to input the time without the colon, but will automatically set it to the right display and data format.

Hope that helps,


See here as well: http://forums.adobe.com/message/3706212#3706212


Level 2

All well and good ....... BUT ....... when I get into my time calcs, things aren't quite right. By setting the Patterns as you suggest, when I calculate daily hours, the minutes are getting dropped off the time fields. IE: 07:00 AM becomes just 07. I've changed the patterns in my result field, changed the parameter "HH:MM" to "HHMM" and a few other things - and no success.

Is it just an Adobe thing ??

John Rojowski


Phone:  317-212-7470



Level 10

How does your calculation script look like?


Level 2

M1T = ((TOut - TIn - 1800000) / (60 * 60 * 1000))

And I get TIn and TOut by: Time2Num(W1TS, "HH:MM")

W1TS has its patterns defined as you mentioned in your 1st reply. I'm subtracting 30 minutes as a lunch period.

John Rojowski


Phone:  317-212-7470
