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Form Distribution and re-submit


Level 1

I am new to form design but would like to create a PDF form/checklist for each project that we manage.  At any time, the project manager can access the checklist, update existing fields and re-submit.  Is there a way to do this that the dataset record gets updated WITHOUT creating a new record?

Hopefully the question makes sense...basically we want to re-submit the form, and have the dataset record updated and NOT add a new record.


2 Replies


Former Community Member

I assume that you are talking about the distribution of the form and callecting all of the responses. If so I do not know of a way to do an update of a specific record. If not please elaborate.



Level 1

Thanks for the response Paul. Yes that is exactly what I'm talking about. I was hoping that by adding to the initial form you could then re-submit and have it update the first response. This would mean that the initial form is somehow linked to the response (ie. Form #1 updates record #1, form #2 updates record #2 etc.)

I'm thinking that it might be possible to achieve something similar by looking at the project # (which is a unique field created on each form distributed) and then sorting/filtering by the submit date (to only look at the latest submitted date for that project #)....but that certainly could be more difficult in the programming/collection process.