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Extracting pages when submitting


Level 3

I have a very large form that I created in LiveCycle and I cannot email it.  I want to extract only a couple of pages to email/send to a server.  Can this be done and how?

Any help would be greatly aggreciated.



9 Replies


Level 4

I do not believe that in Livecycle forms you can extract forms. When you open the form in Acrobat/Reader it will tell you that is not an option. My suggestion might be to optimize your form to decrease the size if that is the sole reason for removing pages. I had a similar problem when I made my PDFs where I had a few that were 10MB+ and for a PDF that is a monster. I found the embedded fonts were the issue and reworked my forms to only use fonts that were native and did not require to be embedded. That dropped my form size from 10MB+ to 2.5MB. I have worked and reworked the forms and now I have them down to 1.36MB. Still a little large, but they email just fine.


Level 3

Thank you for responding.  When I check the XML in this for/app, I only see two font type Arial an Myriad  Pro. How would you suggest reducing the size with these native fonts?

Thanks so much,


Level 4

That sounds good. I run into some times people using odd fonts that have to be embedded for them to display properly on their machines. However if the fonts are the standard ones then all machines can render them correctly and there is no need to embed both in the form. In Livecycle go to File-Form Properties and then under the "Save Options" tab see if "Embed Fonts" is selected. To give you an example I had an old form that I had made with the fonts embedded and the file size was 1.10MB. I went in and unchecked that box and the new file was 168KB so it can really drop the size if that is the problem.


Level 3

I have Adobe Acrobat Pro X and I cannot find PDF Optimizer as an option.  Can you tell me if I have to download it or is it hidden in Adobe Acrobat Pro X?

Thanks Again


Level 4

Sorry about being vague, but those options are in Livecycle: not Adobe Pro. You need to open the PDF in Livecycle, see if you hav embedded the fonts and uncheck it. If it is checked and you are using standard fonts, that can be a big reason on the large file size. And you cannot optimize XFA forms made in Livecycle. Any changes, optimizations and/or corrections must be made in Livecycle only.


Level 9


Using Acrobat Pro you can extract pages if you want. There is an option extract pages. Look for that. Give the page numder you want to extract and save it in a different file name. That's all. But be careful if the extracted pages contain some dependent scripts then it may throw error.




Level 4

If the form was made in Livecycle you cannot extract pages. XFA forms do not allow that. Any changes to the page layout must be done in Livecycle only. AcroForms or forms made in Acrobat are not subject to this, but I am not aware that one can extract, replace, delete or otherwise change the page layout in a XFA form in Acrobat.


Level 3

Thank you for your response.   I opened the same document in Adobe Acrobat Pro and the forms displays without the graphics.  Is there some settings that needs to be in place in order for the graphics to display when the form is opened in Adobe Acrobat Pro X?


Level 9

How about opening the form in designer and delete the pages that you do not want and rename the form and use it?