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Expandable text fields-why does it break across pages when there is no text pushing it down?


Level 1

I have a number of fields that are expandable on a 7 page form.  Is there a way to prevent the text field from breaking across two pages if there is not enough text in it that pushed it down to the next page?  If the text field only contains one or two lines, but the field can handle 5 before it expands; is there a way to prevent it from breaking across the row, but have it stay intact and go to the top of the next page instead of breaking across two pages?

1 채택된 해결책 개


정확한 답변 작성자:
Level 3

i think you need to un check the "Allow page breaks" option for the text field.

then you need to review if that text field is wrapped in a specific subform. If so then the subform pagination should be able to deal with this.

It can help you make sure that in case of overflow where the text field should go  > next page or next content area, etc...

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3 답변 개


정확한 답변 작성자:
Level 3

i think you need to un check the "Allow page breaks" option for the text field.

then you need to review if that text field is wrapped in a specific subform. If so then the subform pagination should be able to deal with this.

It can help you make sure that in case of overflow where the text field should go  > next page or next content area, etc...


Level 1

Thank you very much, this did work for me once I upgraded my version of designer.  I was using version 8 which did not have that option.  This leads me to one more question.  I have some explanatory text preceding each text response box.  Is there a way to keep the two together?  When I click on the text, there is no option for "keep with next". When I click on the text field, there is no option for "keep with previous".  They are both contained within the same expandable sub-form.


Level 3

i would say, keep them both within a single subform, and then play with subform's pagination.

This way, even if your text field needs to expand, it will not jump pages alone, rather the whole subform will shift, and the explanatory text will always hold it's position within the subform. Although within your subform you cannot have positioned layout (due to the expanding text field), so if you need to maintain some space between the explanatory and text field, then use margins and other spacing options.