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error importing LC ES 2 project


Former Community Member

I'm trying to import a process from one installation to another one. Both are LC ES 2.

I am getting a permission error when trying to import the process in my second installation. I exported the project logged in as Administrator, and logged into the second LC ES2 install web console as Administrator.

I did a preview of the project (view assets) in the web console, and all of the components (forms, processes, etc) are there with a status of create.

Any idea why I can't get this project imported? I was able to import it fine the first time when I exported it from a LC ES installation, then imported it into a LC ES2 as a LC 8.x archive. I was hoping that since it was now converted to a LC ES2 and saved, etc. I could just export it as a LC ES2 archive and import it into my other installation.

2009-12-13 15:29:10,006 ERROR [com.adobe.idp.applicationmanager.service.TLOHandlerRegistryServiceImpl] ClassNotFoundException thrown while loading handler with class name: com.adobe.livecycle.userlist.dsc.handler.UserlistTLOHandler for extension UL

2009-12-13 15:29:10,079 ERROR [com.adobe.idp.applicationmanager.application.impl.ApplicationRegistryImpl] ApplicationServiceStoreImpl:create:POFException:ALC-REP-018-000: Resource [/Approval] does not exist or you do not have sufficient rights to access it.

2009-12-13 15:29:10,080 ERROR [com.adobe.idp.applicationmanager.service.ApplicationManagerService] ApplicationManagerService:importApplication():DSCException:ALC-REP-018-000: Resource [/Approval] does not exist or you do not have sufficient rights to access it.

5 Replies


Level 7

This ClassNotFoundException was probably caused by the JBoss startup optimization.  Undo that and it'll probably work.


Former Community Member

Hi Charles,

Just a curiosity! Does the reply below from Jayan fix your issue of importing the ES 2 project ?




Former Community Member

my issue was different. I was going from ES2 to another ES2 environment.

Yes it did.



Consultant Systems Engineer / Government Team

972-377-6479 cell/work


1-866-851-9754 passcode 149403


Level 3

I'm running into a similar problem after creating a LCA from one machine and trying to import it to another. The solution that you found was to undo JBoss startup optimization.  I was wondering how to do that?  Thanks.