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Displaying Dynamic Info with Conditional Breaks


Level 1


I ran across a tough issue. I am creating a PDF form to display XML data. I'm trying to get results that look like this:

-- Category: xxx ---

** row 1 **

** row 2 **

** row 3 **

-- CATEGORY: yyy ---

** row 1 **

** row 2 **

-- CATEGORY: zzz ---

** row 1 **

** row 2 **

** row 3 **

** row 4 **

and so on. The categories are dynamic. My data looks like this:




          <ADDRESS>100 A st</ADDRESS>




          <ADDRESS>20 B st</ADDRESS>




          <ADDRESS>300 C st</ADDRESS>



I am using Conditional Breaks, as described here:


So my structure looks something like this:

-     Subform

     -     CategoryHeader (subform)

          -     CategoryTextField, with a data binding to CATEGORY

     -     Row (subform)

          -     Address (textfield), with a data binding to ADDRESS

          -     ... (more data rows)

So I put a conditional break on Row, that is "No Break, Just Leader & Trailer", and shows CategoryHeader as the Leader. The problem is, none of the Conditional Breaks will display the CATEGORY - they show nothing. It's like the data is just not available to it because it's a Conditional Break.


If you look at the example here, I am basically asking, why can't I say the name of the actual category instead of just saying NEW CATEGORY?

Any help with this is appreciated!



2 Replies


Level 1

Any advice on this? I don't even need to necessarily use Conditional Breaks with this! I'm just looking for a way to show headers for categories in the data.




Level 10

Hi Matin,

I am caught for time so can't have a look at the moment.

You could try sections in the tables: http://assure.ly/fItII5 and http://assure.ly/ix15qL.

Sorry for the rush,
