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Difference between New Archieve and New Patch


Level 7


I am going through import and export topics of LCA files (http://help.adobe.com/en_US/livecycle/9.0/workbenchHelp/help.htm?content=000276.html ). I understood how we can create new Archieves and import it to another environments. But I am not able to understand about patches.

In both the cases, I am doing the same thing. I am creating archieve of the application. I am sure, there would be difference between "new archive" and "Patch" but not able to figure out.

Can anyone let me know if I create new archieve and Patch, then what is the visual differences i can look in both the archieves??????



1 Reply


Former Community Member

patching is related to component of LiveCycle.

these are  basically jar files updated with new one. For more please look here.


LCA files are simply archive file of the processes/application that you create in workbench. These archive files can be import to other environment  at later stage.
