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ConnectSessionContainer seems to be invisible


Level 4

ok, maybe i'm missing something obvious here, but my ConnectSessionContainer seems to be invisible. i have a real simple mxml component based upon VBox that looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <afcs:TextChat id="textChat"
        width="400" height="200"

TextChat is then just an empty ConnectSessionContainer:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

tracing shows it has a parent (the VBox), visibility set to true, x and y at 0, width/height at 400/200... but i just can't see it! i set the red border around it to see where it is..... and i don't see any red border, or any of its contents! like its just not there !!!!!

what am i doing wrong?

my GUESS is that the session needs to be authed and logged in before it displays. is that right?..............

3 Replies


Former Community Member


ConnectSessionContainer extends a Canvas and all component that are inside it are programmatically created.

The ConnectionSessionContainer by default has a creationpolicy of none i.e. ContainerCreationPolicy.NONE. It means you need to programmatically create the components. We do so once the session is authenticated. Hence, no components get created inside it unless your session is authenticated after you logged in.


Hironmay Basu


Level 4

cool, much as i thought then, thanks hironmay

in fact, thanks a lot to all you guys. i've never been on a forum where the answers are so prompt and posted by the very guys making this stuff before. it's excellent

that said, if you find the time to make the quality of your cocomo documentation match the quality of your admin on this forum, i reckon you'll find yourselves fielding a lot less questions from people like me.


Former Community Member

Thanks for the kind words - we feed on this kinda stuff.

That said, any concrete advice as to where the docs are lacking would be much appreciated. The next SDK drop will be especially focused on documentation and SDK packaging, and we need your specific advice on what's not as good as it could be. The problem with being the guys making this stuff is that we have a lot of pre-conceived knowledge of how things work, and have a hard time reading the docs from the point of view of someone just starting. Anything you can point out on this thread is super-appreciated; we have the same goal for the docs that you do.


(yeah, I know you've already posted here, but I'll keep pleading =).
